C & K assistant job interview

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C & K assistant job interview

Post by JayBee03 » Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:06 pm

Hi I am very excited to have secured a job interview for a kindergarten assistant at C and K... would love some info of the types of questions that will be asked in the interview process...Has anyone been through it? i have read the below posts and they have been helpful too but i was looking for more specific questions that that C and K management would ask....Really want this job! Thanks in advance for any replys! :sweating: :kiss:

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Re: C & K assistant job interview

Post by Lorina » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:30 pm

Hey JB,

Congratulations! This is an exciting opportunity and I really hope you get this job! :thumbup:

Unfortunately I wont be able to specifically suggest questions that C & K will use during the interview ( I haven't worked with them before) but I have had interviews with different centre management. I found that the interviews are very relaxed and you end up chatting about other topics rather than having an actual interview! I can't say if this is the same with C & K but all you need to do is smile, relax and answer their questions with confidence. From my experience, if managment are ready to interview you then you already almost got the job!

I wish you the best of luck and let me know how it goes!

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: C & K assistant job interview

Post by aus22 » Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:05 pm

I recently went for an interview with C&K, they are very formal in interviewing. They read out a LONG list of printed questions, I believe they would be the same questions if applying for a job within this company. Did you end up getting the job? Are you able to share the questions you were asked?

I was very nervous in my interview and totally stuffed it up. I work relief at C&k and didn't get the job because of the interview :( wonder if I will get anymore casual work?

One question I was surprised about is, what do I know about the EYLF. I don't remember learning about this while doing my certificate 3. Did anyone else at Certificate 3 level learn this in the course?

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Re: C & K assistant job interview

Post by LindyT » Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:54 pm

It is a component of Cert 3 now. When I did it a few years back it wasnt.

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Re: C & K assistant job interview

Post by aus22 » Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:31 pm

I only finished in june and don't remember doing it

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Re: C & K assistant job interview

Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:45 am

C & K have a standard intervirew, the (usually) Director will be sitting with a sheet of paper with the questions on it and will be recording your responses.
I was interviewing for GL so the questions may vary but to be honest most places ask the same questions.
They will give you scenarios eg how would you deal with a difficult child or a irate parent?
What do you see as teamwork?
What can you contribute to our centre?
What are your strengths & weaknesses?

All I can say is some questions were pretty long so don't stress, ask them to re read it or even ask if you could read it yourself, sometimes its easier to answer something you have read yourself than had someone read out to you. I have 15 years experience and still ask ... I do not see it as anything bad... I just say I would like to be clear before I answer it so can you just repeat it please.
Relax and smile... keep your hands in view and try and use your hands while talking if you have a tendency to do nervous things with your hands in an interview. A good tip is take all your Certified docs in a folder and just hold on to it during the interview so you are not tempted to bite nails, pick or wring your hands if you get nervous.

Ask to look around the centre. Ask questions... go prepared, write everything you would like to know down and take it with you
Working Hours
etc etc

I never wear anything overly formal to childcare interviews, I like to look smart/casual but fun not corporate and stern. A nice pair of pants or even jeans and a nice top or shirt will do, I always go in flats, as I think rocking up to a daycare in heels makes no sense!

Anyway better run ... have to get ready for work

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