Advice on fellow co-worker

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Advice on fellow co-worker

Post by Littlemisschickenqld » Fri May 20, 2022 12:24 am

Hi I am wanting advice on a fellow co-worker. I have witnessed a fellow co-worker write in a forum on social media about the centre we work at the children and room this co-worker works in and other staff members in this post. The co-worker also goes on to write some pretty bad things about our work place and strong opinion’s on peoples personally. There are other things said which I feel boarder line on abuse but I am unsure what I am to do? I am only new to childcare and this centre? Any advice would be appreciated. I feel if I just took it to the centre manager it would go no where which is sad. And I don’t want to be getting targeted for doing the right thing. Thank you.

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Re: Advice on fellow co-worker

Post by Lorina » Tue May 24, 2022 12:42 pm

OK, first of its completely unethical and a breach of privacy for a co-worker to be writing about kids and the centre. You will need to go to the centre manager and let them know, even if you think nothing would happen it's your duty to report the Educator since you have seen it. Let the centre manager know and just tell them how you explained it here. From there, it's basically the centre manager responsibility to deal with it. You're doing the right thing!


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