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Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:35 am

A recruitment agent for a chain childcare centre said they would be fwding my resume throught to the centre director about a position.
She then asked me about interview time preferences etc

By all this I assumed (maybe wrongly) that an interview was a sure thing

Now I have not heard from the centre about an interview ... I spoke to the recruiter on Thursday.

Not sure what the procedure is and if its too much to keep calling the recruiter back or should I call the centre and ask if they received my resume?

Never had a recruiter in the loop before always have dealt with the centres as have always worked for Pvt. places + each time ive called the recruiter i have spoken to someone different which makes me wonder if things are actually getting done!

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Re: Recruiters

Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:47 am

In response to my own question I just rang the actual centre and spoke to the Director & no she had not got my resume but was v. interested so asked me to email it to her directly!!
almost feel I should call and give the recruiters a piece of my mind but wont bother !!

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Re: Recruiters

Post by catchmeifucan » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:37 pm

Hi fefe76,

How r ya? back to your job hunting?

sometimes the recruiters annoy the hell outa me, especially when they try to act like employers! For god sake, you are just a recruiter! Also, its not right when they have said that they have forwarded your resume and they actually havent! What are they doing with your resume then? are they still looking at it? They have one job i.e to forward your resumes and its not good when they dont even do that while you are waiting trusting them!! Not to mention, they get paid sooo much (i think thousands of dollars) when they actually find a qualified full-time employee for a centre! What an easy job, you contact them for job, give your resume and do all the work, all they have to do is forward your resume and get paid a lot!!

At the same time, though you might want to give your piece of your mind, you might need to hold your tongue atleast until you get a job since its not worth jeopardizing...But you hv all the right to find out why they havent forwarded your resume when they told you that they did!!

Another thing I find it so annoying with the recruiters is that, they tend to scare the applicant too much saying you will be asked this and that in interview, be prepared for tough questions, finding our faults in resume and all..but end of the day, when you actually go for the interview in the centre, its a lot more easy and casual. I find that the interview with the recruiter is more of a nightmare than the interview with the actual centre...Anyways, these are my personal experience!

Wish you all the best with your job hunt! :D

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Re: Recruiters

Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:00 pm

well the recruiters didnt say anything about the interview itself except for when was suitable for me
anyway I am just not going to bother with the recruiters now
I have sent my resume directly to the centre and thats that... i know if I call the recruiters they will just have some excuse or the other
Ive always been lucky with jobs but because I am now in a remote area its just proving hard, most places offer casual work and since I am an hours drive away its not the best option for me
anyway hopefully something will come up

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Re: Recruiters

Post by catchmeifucan » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:30 pm

Fair enough....I also find that ringing around at the centres always helps because there are always centres that are looking for qualified full-time employees. There might be some you may ask you to contact their recruitment agency, but I find that a lot of centre directors are easily approachable.

Also living in remote area can be a challenge mainly cuz of the driving time to go around. I just searched Tieri in google maps and OMG its so far away...looks like a desert kidding.. :lol:

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Re: Recruiters

Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:01 pm

yeah i always ring centres too but ones like C & K and ABC always ask you to go thru the online recruitment etc
Tieri is pretty in the middle of nowhere in particular, but its an hour away from Emerald, so isn't crazy remote but remote enough to be an issue sometimes!

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Re: Recruiters

Post by Lorina » Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:51 am

Hey Fefe,

Just thought I'd share what I do when looking for jobs.. Normally I ring around centers that I'm interested in, introduce myself and ask if there are any job availability. If the centre is interested and ask me to go through their recruitment agency I would get the Directors name and obviously the name of the centre... When I contact the recruitment agency for that particular centre I tell them the name of the centre and the name of the person I spoke too. This way the recruitment agency just has to forward my resume along to that centre. Sometimes I find it so silly because you have to go have an interview with the recruitment agency and then at the centre you are applying too... you could end up having to have 3 interviews for one job!! Also, the last recruitment agency I was with sent a special surprise delivery of cupcakes to my work when I got a permanent job... it was unexpected and a great little gesture!!

When I first started working in childcare it took me 2 hrs to travel to my work (I don't drive I have to use transportation). I was so exhausted by the time I got home and it end up being a very long day... Luckily now, I only live 10 minutes away from work and hubby drops me off and picks me up... :D

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Recruiters

Post by fchaudari76 » Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:09 pm

I have an interview on Monday with ABC think the Director just decided to bypass the recruitment agency as they didn't even fwd my resume to her! anyway I also have a lady in Capella who wants me to help her with her 8 kids .. and she is offering me FT work, this is better for me as its a 35km drive as opposed to 85km!!
anyway lets see

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