Qualifications required

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Qualifications required

Post by Anniviolette » Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:11 pm


I am intending to do a bachelor of early childhood education. I am wondering if during my studies I would be able to work as an assistant in a childcare centre seeing as I will be working towards a qualification? Or do I require a certificate III in order to do this?

Thank you! :inlove:

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Re: Qualifications required

Post by Lorina » Sun Sep 16, 2018 7:47 pm

According to ACECQA:
If you are 'actively working towards' an approved certificate III, diploma or early childhood teaching (ECT) qualification you may be counted towards qualification requirements.

Certificate III and diploma
You are considered actively working towards an approved certificate III level qualification if you can provide documentary evidence from the course provider to your approved provider that you are:

enrolled in the course and have started study
making satisfactory progress towards completing the course
meeting the requirements to maintain enrolment.
You are considered actively working towards an approved diploma level qualification if you can satisfy all of the above and one of the following:

hold an approved certificate III level qualification OR
have completed the approved certificate III units OR
have completed 30% of the units in an approved ECT qualification.
‘Actively working towards’ provisions may not apply where a state or territory specific regulation is in place, including for services educating and caring for school age children. If you have any questions about this, contact your regulatory authority.

Please note that all family day care coordinators in Australia are required to have an approved diploma level education and care qualification and cannot be ‘actively working towards’ this qualification.

Actively working towards provisions apply under regulations 126(1) and 127 of the National Regulations.

Taken to be an early childhood teacher
In September 2017, the Education Council agreed to extend regulation 242 of the National Regulations. Under regulation 242, you are ‘taken to be an early childhood teacher’ until 31 December 2019 if you:

are enrolled in an approved early childhood teaching qualification, and
give the approved provider documentary evidence from the course provider that you:
have started the course, and
are making satisfactory progress towards completing the course, and
are meeting the requirements for maintaining the enrolment, and
hold an approved diploma level educator qualification, or have completed at least 50 per cent of the course.
Regulation 242 does not apply in Victoria after 31 December 2017 or if you are working in a centre-based service educating and caring for 30 or more children preschool age or under in NSW.

So, if you meet the above requirements you will be "actively working towards" and therefore be able to work while studying...


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