Procedure to become a Childcare Worker - New Aussie

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Procedure to become a Childcare Worker - New Aussie

Post by _nita_ » Thu May 23, 2013 6:31 pm

Hello All,

First thanks for such a great resource and hope you can help out with a few questions on the proceedures to become a childcare worker.

Am writing on behalf of my girlfriend (soon wife) whom is an Indonesian National. Once we are married and she is resided in Australia she has shown interest in childcare as a profession. Nita is 28 yo, nearly 8 years experience as a domestic helper (caring for elderly, babies and young children) with 6 years in Hong Kong. Though she has done short courses of a few months they are not recognised qualifications but alot of practical experience has an excellent attitude to children and her job responsibilities. Nita has reasonable English (which she is continuing to learn), conversational Mandarin and fluent in Indonesian and Cantonese.

I have read some information here and I would like to know some comments for her to become a childcare worker in Australia.

Reading a bit of information online looks like a Certification III is required and takes around 18 months. I also read she could become an Assistant Childcare worker or apprenticeship (either full or parttime) while obtaining her Certification. Is that correct?

Providing that her English is acceptable I think the timeline could be:-

1. become an Assistant Childcare worker.
2. Study for 18 months - part time.
3. obtain certificate and become a fully fledged Childcare worker.

Is this correct in my thinking?
Any pitfalls or suggestions?
What hourly wage would be accepted at each stage (say for Gold Coast location)?
Is it a worthwhile profession for a 'New Australian' and has anybody had experience or know of someone whom has done this?

She is worried about her English. It is actually OK but sometimes her pronunciation is not the best but she is continuing studying now English.

Sorry for the twenty questions but just interested to develop our future.

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Re: Procedure to become a Childcare Worker - New Aussie

Post by luckya » Thu May 23, 2013 6:55 pm

A certificate 111 doesn't usually take 18 months. At TAFE I think it takes 12months or less, or you can do cert 111 as a Traineeship. She could also get Recognition of Prior Learning for her skills, which would take some unit off the certificate. It can be hard to get a job completely unqualified, unless it is a traineeship. Online cert 111s can be done in as little at 6months, although it depends upon how your wife's written english is. (It is not a literacy test, but you need comprehension skills). Getting Outside School Hours care jobs unqualified is easier as the hours are only part-time and she could study for her cert 111 while working in OSHC. Wages for trainees are lower, but fully qualified cert 111 get from $16ph up, more for casual workers but that is about the award wage. Some places pay more. I work in OSHC and an assistant unqualified gets $19 per hour as a casual, but the hours are 3.15 to 6pm, and some programs run in the mornings as well. So a plan might be study cert 111 and work in OSCH or long day care at the same time.

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Re: Procedure to become a Childcare Worker - New Aussie

Post by _nita_ » Thu May 23, 2013 7:33 pm

Thanks luckya for a quick reply. I understand what you mean and does give me an idea on what to expect.

One question, what does OSHC mean? :oops: Not quite familiar with the acronyms.

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Re: Procedure to become a Childcare Worker - New Aussie

Post by luckya » Thu May 23, 2013 7:45 pm

Outside of School Hours Care.

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Re: Procedure to become a Childcare Worker - New Aussie

Post by Lorina » Sun May 26, 2013 12:12 am

Just wanted to add...

Recognition Of Prior Learning

Your wife may be able to gain Recognition Of Prior Learning for her previous skills however she will need to provide evidence to support the skills she has already acquired. So, make sure that she has references that state the skills she has used while being a domestic helper. Does your wife have certificates for the short courses she has completed? This can also be added to gain Recognition of Prior Learning. Unless your wife has sufficient evidence I don't think she will be able to receive this. This isn't a problem at all, it just means that while your wife is doing her certificate 3 in children's services she will need to complete all modules.

Completing A Certificate 3

Like the previous member suggested their are a variety of ways to complete a cert 3. There is TAFE, correspondence, online or as a traineeship. Either way you choose, most take up to a year to complete overall. Since English is your wife's second language maybe TAFE is the best option so she can complete this qualification in a classroom environment. Some of the assignments/modules are difficult to understand so your wife may find more support and help while going to TAFE, since she can directly ask for assistance if needed. When doing correspondence, online or a traineeship you wont be able to get much support from tutors as you would from TAFE. However, the option is up to you.

English As A Second Language

It's not a problem that your wife is still learning English. It's actually a great advantage that she is able to speak different languages and she can also include this on her resume. There are always children/families in centres whom are unable to speak e=English and if your wife is able to communicate with them, then it's great! Don't worry this wont be a problem, Australia is a multicultural society!

Working and Part Time Studying

While studying part time there is also option of working. Like the other member suggested your wife can work in an OSHC (children between the ages of 6 years old and 12 years old) and she can also work casually in an LDC (long day care centre 0-5 year olds). There are many childcare job agencies available that provide casual work for those who are currently studying their qualification. The only thing is with casual work that there is no guarantee how many days during the week your wife will be working. The agency usually calls the day before or in the morning to see if your available for work and then if you are they send you to the centre. This is a good way for your wife to gain experience and to see if she really wants this as a career.

If you have any more questions let me know and I'll try and help you out,

Hopefully this gives you a few more options,


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Re: Procedure to become a Childcare Worker - New Aussie

Post by _nita_ » Mon May 27, 2013 6:08 pm

Thanks so much to luckya and L.A., give me alot of information to go over with her.

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