Hi oceaneyes96,
How wonderful you're showing interest in this and are asking some great questions. I am a Diploma trained educator who is nearly finished their ECT (and occasionally needs to step up to teacher role).
A Diploma trained educator is usually (though not always) placed as a room leader, depending on the culture of the service and funding. The role of the room leader is also variable, as some circumstances will expect you to run the entire program (obs, group times etc.). Luckily, most services share the workload within rooms and other educators in the room will help out with observations and implementing experiences. You can gain an idea of how each room/service works by observing or asking questions beforehand (e.g. at interview). It may even be that your service manager will allow you to make these calls. Again, all of this is very variable depending on the service.
Generally, ECTs don't begin to earn more $$ than fellow Diploma educators until they have attained some experience within that role (the wage info pages on this website explain this further). ECTs will often be given more responsibility, not only as an educator, but are often in line to be the Responsible Person In Charge (when the service manger/2IC is not available). As for room responsibility, nowadays most ECTs (when working 'on the floor') are expected to run the preschool/Kindergarten program. Other than the EYLF, the approved framework for this can differ from state to state (e.g. in QLD, most teachers use the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline instead of the EYLF, which is more specific to 3-5 year old children).
I have found that, again, (ECT) workload depends on the service. I have been a part of a service which shares the workload, and I have also observed services where the teacher manages all observations, intentional teaching, experience implementation, etc. As the ECT is higher trained, they should be at least overseeing the work of their peers as well as mentoring other educators. Programming and planning for children should be overseen by the ECT to ensure it meets curriculum requirements and reflects high quality learning. They are also the primary person to be communicating with families within the room, possibly assisting with any other service admin or responsibilities, and completing tasks specific to their role (e.g. school transition statements).
The reason you have probably seen ECTs complete more paperwork is because generally there is more expected of them. As discussed above, they contribute heavily and also mentor other educators to ensure that paperwork is done to the standard expected of them. In terms of programming/'off the floor' time, again, this depends on the service. Some services only allocate around 2 hours p/week for ECTs (which is abysmal), while other services can be more flexible, such as offering an hour per day or a whole day off the floor programming each week. Personally, if I was searching for a permanent ECT position, I would not be accepting any less than 3-4 hours off the floor time each week (as ECTs are in such high demand in QLD right now, I can be picky!).
It's great that you see the value in being present with children. So in summary, there is more paperwork responsibility as an ECT, but don't just settle for a service that won't negotiate off the floor time to do this. Hope this helped you out a little