5 years experience & No qualification

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5 years experience & No qualification

Post by missBonna95 » Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:48 pm

Hello Lorina,

A friend of mine told me that this would be the best place to ask this questions so here goes.

I started working in childcare in 2010 I started my certificate 111 as a traineeship and only finished around 9-10 books, I really am not the studying type it didn't really interest me to finish the certificate as I thought that I would not be doing childcare later on but with age my passion grew stronger working in this field.

At this childcare where i was doing the traineeship I worked as the room assistant with children of various ages and did a lot of the room leader roles, I did exceptionally well I worked to a diploma level within 1 year of being employed at this centre, the director was always happy with my work performance. I worked 2 years with children from 3-5 years of age and 1 year in the babies, and 6 months with toddlers. The directors never really pushed me to finish my certificate and I lost interest in doing it so never finished it, I left the centre after 4 years and had a 1 year break from child care due to moving states.

I started back again in last year at a local childcare centre in Victoria, I did a 3 hour trial and the director was very happy with the way interacted with the children and my performance. I didn't have a certificate 111 but they still hired me anyway as an floater but they asked me to show them proof of studying towards my diploma which I enrolled in but didn't really finish much units as once again I got lazy and uninterested they didn't know this I was only interested on the hands on stuff. After 3 weeks they had a meeting with me and asked me if I would like to work full-time in the toddlers room and I accepted. At this centre sometimes I did room leader duties as well and I was happy to do them. My learning stories were great and my daily journal the room leader praised as I always went into great detail. I also trained new staff that were already diploma qualified the director was so happy with how I trained them which in-turn gave me a lot of confidence in my abilities. Every job I ever had I have always gave it my all so I guess this showed in my work performance I like to believe that I work with a lot of passion in the childcare industry.

I have recently been offered a job at a brand new high end child care, I did the interview back in May and I did really well I got all the questions right and the director was very happy, I would really love to work at this centre so I am willing to study and actually finish my diploma this time and put in 100%. What the director doesn't know is that I have only done half the certificate 111 and have no qualifications but I am enrolled in the diploma, she knows I have 5+ years hands on experience I had this stated in my resume, at the recruitment meeting I was asked to do learning stories and how to do observations which I got all really good. Everything has been so great until I got my employment pack with my contract which they have me listed as "certificate 111 Qualified Assistant". I have been offered a certificate 111 qualified assistant position which I think was 3.2 and on my contract it states that you must have a certificate 111, diploma or must be studying towards either one.

How do I go about this? I am so devastated! I wish I finished the certificate I guess I wouldn't have this problem now. what should I tell the director that I am only enrolled in the diploma but have half a certificate 111? I rang the University to get my transcript for the units I have finished and they don't have any of my units marked off that I finished they only had marked the First Aid for credit transfer. so getting these verified is out of the question! Although I have proof certain units being marked off. I didn't know how to go about this so I never actually took it further.

I have 5+ years hands on experience working in a childcare but no qualifications, how do I go about this? PLEASE HELP! I don''t know how to talk to the director about it. Should I just not accept the position and just not saying anything I know deep down this will make me extremely unhappy.

P.s Sorry for the long post.

Kind Regards,


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Re: 5 years experience & No qualification

Post by Lorina » Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:02 pm

HI Aheb,

Welcome to Aussie Childcare Network! :wave:

In regards to your Diploma qualification they have now embedded the cert 3 units within it, so the first units you are doing are actually the cert 3 units. This is probably why your course provider hasn't asked you for any transcripts or evidence of your cert 3 qualification because previously you will have to provide these before doing your Diploma.

In regards to your current job position as a "cert 3 qualified educator" according to ACECQA, you are considered a "Cert 3 Qualified Educator" if you meet the following requirements:

being enrolled in a course for the qualification
having commenced the course
making satisfactory progress towards completion
meeting the requirements to maintain enrolment

Ref: Actively Working Towards An Approved Qualification

So, if you are currently enrolled in the Diploma qualification then you are meeting requirements above you're considered as a Cert 3 Qualified Educator.

Hope this information helps!


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Re: 5 years experience & No qualification

Post by Lorina » Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:04 pm

Let me know if you have any further questions!


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Re: 5 years experience & No qualification

Post by missBonna95 » Sun Oct 30, 2016 4:08 pm

Hi Lorina,

Thanks so much for your quick reply!
You have been such a big help.
Can't explain how distressed I have been the last couple days.

I am going to call the director tomorrow and explain the situation and I will let you know what happens.

Thanks again!

Kind Regards,


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Re: 5 years experience & No qualification

Post by Lorina » Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:43 pm

Hi Aheb,

Happy to hear that I've been able to put your mind at ease! :thumbup:

It sounds like you are a really good educator and have a passion for working with children so I wouldn't worry too much about it!

Hope all goes well!


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