I feel like dropping out of my certificate 3, should I?

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I feel like dropping out of my certificate 3, should I?

Post by magnolia » Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:18 am


I am struggling with social anxiety and have for a long time and so I'm finding it difficult to do my work placement and I ended up crying in front of my teacher when she visited me. I am starting to worry that maybe this isn't the right job I should be working towards.

I am really starting to worry when it comes to the making of activities that suit different age groups (babies, toddlers, pre-kindy and kindy). I'm worrying I don't have the right communication abilities I should have for working in childcare which is really upsetting me because I thought I would be really good at this but I just feel like I should drop out.

I've been doing my course since January this year and it ends June next year, my theory work is good but I have put so much time and effort into it I'm not sure what I should do..

I am struggling with asking questions and feeling comfortable; I feel really rude when I don't greet parents in the morning but I'm just really nervous to talk to new people and this job does rely on communication skills. If I can't do this, then I really feel like I can't achieve anything.

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Re: I feel like dropping out of my certificate 3, should I?

Post by Lorina » Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:24 am

I think at times we can all get a little overwhelmed! I think working with children will help you overcome your social anxiety and it will encourage you to interact with educators and parents. It will take some time to understand exactly what activities are suitable for the different ages but this will come with experience. You can do some research, read some activity books etc. so you can get a better idea on what sorts of items and materials are appropriate for each age. You can definitely learn more on this and shouldn't be one of the reasons why you quit.

Talking to parents, being new, it's hard for all of us. Just give the parents a smile and say goodbye to their child when they are leaving something like "bye Tom had fun playing with you today". That's a good start. From there you can introduce yourself for example "Hi, I'm Lorina I'm in Toms's class. Im a student completing my qualification". Or "Tom really enjoyed playing in the sandpit today".

I really don't think you should give up! You don't have long to go and you will get better as you gain more experience!

I also have this which may help:

Shyness and Social Anxiety

It's really going to be alright!



Re: I feel like dropping out of my certificate 3, should I?

Post by magnolia » Fri Aug 21, 2015 6:44 am

Thank you for the quick reply, I really appreciate it :giggle:

My teacher said when she had one-on-one discussions with my two room leaders they said they're itching for me to ask questions if I'm unsure. The director checked up on me later and asked how it went and mentioned that I'm doing really well since the first day I started and it will only get better so she is really supportive.

I need to be more confident in speaking more, as the nursery room leader said I'm a bit quiet, which is another thing I try to work on daily, once in comfortable I'm able to chat away, laugh and smile more.

After my teacher left I showed more initiative and asked questions during lunch time today and I also changed my first 3 nappies which was nerve wracking but good and I plan on doing more next week!

I'll definitely Google some activities to help me come up with something for the centre; I'll also look at the link you attached, thank you for the positive reply, I really needed it'

Leonie Watt
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Re: I feel like dropping out of my certificate 3, should I?

Post by Leonie Watt » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:55 am

Dont give up!! its, always hard when you are just starting out. Dont worry about social anxiety, my room leader suffers from it to and she's been in the business for over 20 years. Once you are working, you will get the hang of it. A good room leader will guide you in the right direction. Just keep studying, it does get easier when your working in the room with regular children and parents. Placement is always hard as you feel everybody is watching you. It does get easier!!
Good Luck, you'll be fine.

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