Scenarios: Asima and Zi & Trish - Child Rearing Practices

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Scenarios: Asima and Zi & Trish - Child Rearing Practices

Post by gbkc » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:29 pm

Hi can anyone help me with these scenarios?
A. Demanding
Asima (7 mths) is used to sleeping in the lounge room surrounded by her large family of eight. Asima's mother, Fadwa, explains that she doesn't want her daughter to become demanding and selfish like many Australian children. Her other five children share two bedrooms. Fadwa asks if a cot can be put in the playroom for Asima. She doesn't want her daughter to sleep in the cot room because she feels she will become 'spoilt'.

Identify the likely differences beliefs/ practices that may create tension.
Describe what action (if any) the educator could/should take
Zi and Trish (2 yr-old-twins) don't have any routines - 'they sleep when and where they want to and eat when they are hungry. The twins parents want the children to be free spirits. The twins have found it difficult to adjust to the child care routines.

Identify the likely differences beliefs/ practices that may create tension
Describe what action (if any) the educator could/should take
I just don't know what to write please guide me with these
Last edited by Lorina on Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scenarios: Asima and Zi & Trish - Child Rearing Practices

Post by Lorina » Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:34 am

For your first scenario:


For the second scenario:

Routines For Children


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