Scenario William

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Scenario William

Post by momotayeasmin » Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:10 pm

William (3 years 1 month) taps on your leg and points at his shoelace, which has come undone.
Suggest an open-ended question which will require William to verbalise his needs instead of simply pointing.
William, what would you like me to help you with your Shoeless?.

Owen (3 years) approaches during morning play time to show you a drawing he has completed. He says “See” as he holds the drawing up for you. You cannot clearly make out what he has drawn.
Suggest what you could say to Owen to encourage him to speak in a complete sentence.
Tell me about your drawing” to encourage Owen to speak in complete sentences.

Max (4 years 6 months) is looking upset, his arms are folded and his head is bowed.
Suggest an open-ended question which will require Max to express his feelings.
I can see that you are upset, tell me why you are upset?

Perri (1 year 8 months) is busy washing the dolls. As you approach she holds he doll up. “Look dolly.”
Suggest a response that allows you to model language skills by expanding upon what Perri is doing.
I can see you have been washing your doll. The dolly’s all clean.”

Is the answer correct? Please suggest me.

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Re: Scenario William

Post by Lorina » Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:32 am

Suggest an open-ended question which will require William to verbalise his needs instead of simply pointing.

How can I help you William?

Rest of the responses are fine! :thumbp:


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