You have been asked to give support a new educator and give them the following information regarding centre policy,procedures and current professional practice in regards to Timothy.
Timothy is 9 months old and this is his third week in care.He is an only child and his mother Anna is an Aboriginal/ Torres Straight Islander.She has told you that she sleeps on his stomach in a pram at home or co-sleeps with close family members.He is breastfed upon arrival at child care and bottle fed with formula during the day and goes to sleep with his bottle.He uses disposable nappies.Timothy attends three (3) days a week; he arrives at around 8:15 and is on his way home by 3.00pm.
Timothy is due for bottle but you do not have one prepared.Anna has left some spare formula ( in its original tin) and has given you a bottle that he used at his previous feed.
A) How would you support Timothy's time with his mother at this morning breastfeed?
I will inform Anna that the centre supports breastfeeding and I will show her the designated breastfeeding space for mother to feed.The private area with a chair, close door that can be locked for privacy.It includes other helpful essentials that will help Anna to breastfeed Timothy such as electrical outlets, a small table and a waste basket and also a sink for hand washing and specific refrigerated location for storing expressed milk. I will discussed the breastfeeding policy for handling and storing breastmilk with Anna.I will also inform Anna that she could drop by if she wish to breastfeed Timothy.
B) Outline all the steps you will take in preparing a bottle for Timothy.
To sterilise your bottle, get a brush and clean the bottles and teats, have a sterilising equipment this could be a simple pot to boil equipment or a steam sterelisers.Wash all the teats in hot soapy water, use bottle brush to scrub inside bottles and teats.Squirt water through to clean the bottle hole and rinse everything thouroughly.
- put bottles,teats,rings and caps in a large pot.
- fill the pot with water until everything is covered and all air bubbles are gone.
- let everything cool in the pot until you can take it out with your hand without scalding yourself.
- boil cleaning equipment such as bottles and brushes every 24 hrs.
C) what hygiene procedures and policies relate to this task?
Breastfeeding policy and breastfeeding procedures.
- wash hands thouroughly and clean work surfaces before preparing the formula.
- check teats when you wash them and throw away any that are cracked because bacteria can grow in the crack.
- get some fresh water from the top and bring it to a boil either in an electric jug or on the stove top.
- let the water cool down to a safe temperature,lukewarm or around room temperature (takes 30 minutes).Then add powder or liquid.
-pour the amount of cooled boiled water you need into the bottle.
-check instructions on formula tin, for how much water to use.
- check the instructions on formula tin for how many scoops of formula to use.
-Using scoop from formula tin, measure the right number of scoops into the bottle.Level off each scoop using a flat blade and tap scoop.
- Put lid and teat on bottle, swirl first so powder doesn't block the teat and then top bottle gently so powder falls down into water.
- shake bottle well to mix powder and water.
- stand bottle in a pot of heated water until formula is just warm.
- Shake the bottle and squeeze a drop of milk into your wrist to test temperature and make sure milk is flowing from the teat before giving to the baby.
D) If Timothy was totally breastfed ( and his mother had left a bottle of breastmilk for him) how would you prepare this bottle for him?
Warm the container of breatmilk by placing it in a warm water, if your using a frozen breastmilk, you can thaw it by placing it in either cool or warm water.
- always shake the bottle or container gently.
- test the temperature of milk before feeding the baby.
-don't use a microwave oven to thaw or warm the milk becaude this destroys some of the components of thr breastmilk.It can also result in hot spots, which can burn baby.
- be sure to check that the breastmilk conside with the write baby,check for the name on the bottle to make sure baby receives the right milk.
E.Describe how you would nurture your relationship with Timothy when he is feeding.
- Hold Timothy in a sitting position close to you abd give small sip at first.
- Make an eye contact to Timothy and speak to Timothy in a calm,soothing voice
- talk to Timothy and enjoy the feeding as a fun interaction between you and him rather than showing Timothy that it is just another tasks that needs to be done quickly as possible.
- If Timothy refuse the milk, gentle rocking or walking around may help settle him enough to feed.
- if Timothy is still refusing cuddle Timothy while feeding.
- Give Timothy a fast, gentle back patting combined with slow side to side movement to make him relax.
- Don't force Timothy to finish a bottle by twisting the bottle ir moving it around Timothy's mouth, let Timothy decide when he is done
-Allow Timothy to experience the soothing power of toucj by gently stroking his cheek,hair or back.
F.What are the policies around putting children to bed with bottles?Why is this connected with oral health?
- Supervise children with bottles at all times.Children will not be placed on beds or in cots for feeding as this can be a choking hazard.
- babies must not be "prop fed" for the drop of milk can cause ear infection to babies, babies should not be left alone with a feeding bottle or put to bed alone with a feeding bottle.
- If the child did not finish a prepared formula then the carer are to dispose the formula milk or should not be refrigirated and used at a later time in a day.
-Give bottle fed children their bottles before going to bed.Children will not be put to bed in cots or beds with bottles as per the Oral Health Policy.It is related to oral health because babies who are put to sleep with milk,the milk left on the teetj can turn this milk into acid abd over time the acid eats away tge surface of yhe tooth creating holes or cavities, the cavitied or tooth decay can cause pain,infection and even affect children growth.Severe decay in baby teeth can have seriousconsequences for childs speech and jaw development .
Please check my answer.thanks
Scenario: Timothy - Supporting Educator In Regards To Timothy
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Re: Scenario: Timothy - Supporting Educator In Regards To Timothy
C) what hygiene procedures and policies relate to this task?
I think this is referring to the question above on preparing Timothy's bottle.
D) If Timothy was totally breastfed ( and his mother had left a bottle of breastmilk for him) how would you prepare this bottle for him?
Refer to the following for these 2 questions:
Bottle Safety and Preparation
The rest of your responses are good!

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Re: Scenario: Timothy - Supporting Educator In Regards To Timothy
C. What hygienic procedures and policies relate to this task.
-thoroughly wash hands and wear gloves when preparing bottles.
- prepare formula as per the instructions on the formula container and use the provided scoop for measurement.
- test the temperature of bottle contents by placing a few drops on the inside of the wrist before feeding Timothy.
-prepared formula should be labelled with appropriate information formula type, infant's name date and time of preparation.
D) If Timothy was totally brrastfed ( and his mother had left a bottle of breastmilk for him) how would you prepare this bottle for him.
-wash hands with soap and water and dry hands with disposable paper towel.
- boil some water, if using an automatic kettle, wait until the kettle switches off.If using a pan to boil water, makes sure the water comes to a rolling boil.
-read the instructions on the formula's packaging to find out how much powder you need.
-pour the correct amount of boiled water ( that has been allowed to cool to no less than 70C) into a cleaned sterelized feeding bottle.
-add the exact amount of formula to the water in the bottle.
-mix thoroughly by gently shaking or swirling the bottle.
-immediately cool to feeding temperature by holding the bottle under cold running tap water,or by placing in a container of cold water,make sure the level of the cold water is below the lid of the bottle.
-dry the outside of the bottle with a clean disposable paper.
-label the bottle with the information such as formula type,infants name, date and time made.
- check the temperature of the feed by dripping a little onto the inside of your wrist.It should feel lukewarm,not hot.
Is this correct?I was confused with question D. Under my copy "Criteria for assessment" it is written tgis way."Discussed the process for preparing a bottle of breastmilk.But the process that I've written is how to prepare "bottle of formula milk.pls check which is correct.thanks
-thoroughly wash hands and wear gloves when preparing bottles.
- prepare formula as per the instructions on the formula container and use the provided scoop for measurement.
- test the temperature of bottle contents by placing a few drops on the inside of the wrist before feeding Timothy.
-prepared formula should be labelled with appropriate information formula type, infant's name date and time of preparation.
D) If Timothy was totally brrastfed ( and his mother had left a bottle of breastmilk for him) how would you prepare this bottle for him.
-wash hands with soap and water and dry hands with disposable paper towel.
- boil some water, if using an automatic kettle, wait until the kettle switches off.If using a pan to boil water, makes sure the water comes to a rolling boil.
-read the instructions on the formula's packaging to find out how much powder you need.
-pour the correct amount of boiled water ( that has been allowed to cool to no less than 70C) into a cleaned sterelized feeding bottle.
-add the exact amount of formula to the water in the bottle.
-mix thoroughly by gently shaking or swirling the bottle.
-immediately cool to feeding temperature by holding the bottle under cold running tap water,or by placing in a container of cold water,make sure the level of the cold water is below the lid of the bottle.
-dry the outside of the bottle with a clean disposable paper.
-label the bottle with the information such as formula type,infants name, date and time made.
- check the temperature of the feed by dripping a little onto the inside of your wrist.It should feel lukewarm,not hot.
Is this correct?I was confused with question D. Under my copy "Criteria for assessment" it is written tgis way."Discussed the process for preparing a bottle of breastmilk.But the process that I've written is how to prepare "bottle of formula milk.pls check which is correct.thanks