Scenario: Starting At A New Centre

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Scenario: Starting At A New Centre

Post by eabeyratna » Wed May 27, 2015 12:59 am

Case study:
You are starting at a new centre will be working in the 3 to 4 yearsold room.will have 46 in your care. Over theweek. You have already been on atoureof the service and completed your induction

You start in 3 days time.what can you to make your transition in to the room easier on you and the children?

answer : you have to go through the information given at the induction and get clear understand about each children and the daily rutines in the room.according to these information prepare activities and make activity plan for builting trust and positive relationship with children.

your first day has arrived and you are very exited about meeting all children. You walk in to the room and call out to every one in the room. The float smiles and tells the room she will leaving to another room. She waves as she leaves several children chaseher to the door crying.

How will you support these children?

Go closer to these children and call gently them by using their name so they feel me more familier with with them and feel them that i am here to help them any time. after change their mood by giving choices them accroding to there interest.

Pls reply me whether my answers are correct or not
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Re: Scenario: Starting At A New Centre

Post by Lorina » Wed May 27, 2015 4:38 am

1) To make it easier, you can write an introduction letter to give to each family within the room, telling them about yourself. You could also make a sign to stick in the room/at the door introducing yourself. You can make name tags for each child as well as yourself. You can prepare group time which you can talk to the preschoolers about yourself and they can tell you about them etc.

2) Help the children to settle by gathering them to read a book (group story)... Tell them that you have a fun activity planned that you need their help in...

Hope this helps,


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Re: Scenario: Starting At A New Centre

Post by eabeyratna » Wed May 27, 2015 10:12 am

Thanks for the reply. There are some questions in that case study. I am not sure my answers are correct or not. Pls help.

The chlidren enjoing your company and have engadged in play with no more distress. You deside to meet rest of the children. You explain to the group that . The children start to cry out say no no no

What you will do :

Ask children to make a choice that they want to come with you or joint with other children in the room and play together.

The children decide to come with you. After going arround children take you to mat to meet 3 children playing there. Unfortunatly in their hurry they knock down the builing the 3 children were making. The children uellong and one child picks up blocks and throw it at the children and you.

How you going to deel with this situation?
Have yo be gentle and calm. Applogise to the children and explain that happed accidently. Support them to rebuilt it.

How will you do this respectng the children still at the tables engaded in play?

I cant find answer for this question.

Pls. Help


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Re: Scenario: Starting At A New Centre

Post by Lorina » Thu May 28, 2015 5:08 am

Yes, you're on the right track with your response!


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