Scenario: Stacking The Chairs High Near Children

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Scenario: Stacking The Chairs High Near Children

Post by seep » Sun Sep 27, 2015 7:13 pm

Q-You observe a colleague stacking the chairs up dangerously high in an area where the children are playing

What you would say?

I will tell my colleague that the way they are stacking the chairs up is very dangrous and it could hurt children seriously if children touch the chairs out of curosity, chairs could fell down. I will polietly say that I think that the stacking of chairs in my openion is going to high as kids are playing near it so it would be too dangerous for kids if it fall down on theme and they will get injured with it so it would be good if we stack chairs in in low hight.

Additional information you could provide

All children have the right to be safe in their child care service, the provision of safe environment for children is essential to prevent injuries and enable them to grow and develop injury is the leading cause of death for children with approximately 5000 children in Australia each day needing medical attention as a result of accidents (kids safe 2000)
children naturally interact with their environment in an exploratory way. As a result the potential for injury after arises, perticularly when children are using new equipment or developing new skills. the challenge for management, staff and families is to minimise the potential for ijury and keep children safe.
please give your openion about this scenario,thanks

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Re: Scenario: Stacking The Chairs High Near Children

Post by Lorina » Mon Sep 28, 2015 4:00 am

I think your response is good! :thumbup:


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