Scenario: Max's Mealtime

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Scenario: Max's Mealtime

Post by hetalpatel » Tue May 19, 2015 5:46 pm

max (9 month) can now feed himself.Here he is exploring the texture of the food.max can sit unaided, crawl and pull himself up on low furniture.He still needs support to stand. he can climb on, under and over furniture but sometimes gets stuck when trying to retreat. when he is in his highchair max loves to throw things on the floor.

max can pick up small items from the floor and from small tables. max is a sensory explorer and likes to put everything in his mouth.

i am writing question and need help in answer please:
que 1) As an educator list two safety measures you need to take to ensure max's well-being at mealtime?
que 2) suggest what utensils can be provided to max to encourage him to be positively involved in and enjoy his meal:
que3) suggest two other ways to ensure max's mealtime is relaxed and positive:

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
I am not working so it is difficult to me to give the answer for this.plz help me to give the ans. thanx
i am trying to answer but dont know it is correct or not so help me please..

answer for 2) small kids fork should be good utensils to encourage him to enjoy is food ..... is this answer okey???

answer for 3) max has to sit in highchair mealtime or need to sit on ground for relaxed and positive this answer okey???
do not have idea for answer one... help me for all answer

thanks in advance

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Last edited by Lorina on Wed May 20, 2015 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Scenario: Max's Mealtime

Post by Lorina » Wed May 20, 2015 5:30 am

Thanks for adding your responses, Here are some more ideas:

1) Since Max is able to climb you need to make sure he is securely fastened in his high chair and make sure there isnt anything he can reach to put in his mouth other than food.

2) Spoon would also be helpful.

3) Make sure that the food is bite sized for Max to eat, talk to him about what he is eating, be prepared for mess etc.


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Re: Scenario: Max's Mealtime

Post by vasuki.sivasangar » Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:18 pm

Thanks a lot.

sugi :inlove:

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