Scenario: Amy - Frustrated While Eating

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Scenario: Amy - Frustrated While Eating

Post by sahana » Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:13 pm

Hi can anybody help me with this question please :|
How could Amy’s frustration and behaviour been avoided?
scenario ;Addison the educator has just pot Amy( 14 months) in the high chair to feed her , when Neely the other educator is ask to talk to a new parent touring the children service ,Addison gives amy a spoon to hold and then puts the spoonfull of food in her mouth,Amy dabs her spoon the bowl while swallowing.Pippa ( 18 months) asks for a drink ,Mellisa gets up and goes to remove Amy"s food from the tray (so she doesn"t make mess with that) Amy start crying and throw her spoon on the ground.Addison give pippa the drink and Amy the new spoon this time Amy gets some food and reaches her mouth.she is very pleased with her self.
Few moment later Addison need to attent jai who has banged his head.again the food is removed from Amy this time Amy become disstress and refuses to eat when the educators returns.
My Answer is Addison should get some help from other educator while feeding Amy , is this right? ;)

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Re: Scenario: Amy - Frustrated While Eating

Post by Lorina » Sat Aug 29, 2015 11:55 pm

Yes, she should have gotten another educator to help or she should of left a little food on the plate for Amy to explore while she is attending the other children...


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