Scenario: 20 Minute Break For Educators

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Scenario: 20 Minute Break For Educators

Post by eabeyratna » Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:08 am

Think aboutyour meLtimezthome. How longdoesit take for youto eat, sot, relax, chat and clean.
Now think an
Bout your lunch break. Most service require staff to have an hour break in their day.this gives them to time to prepare, eat their ljsnch, relax before going back to wpuld you feel if afters a hectic,bussy morning full of activity, you were given 20 misnutes to prepare, eat, clean up, toilet, relax and socialise?. Do you think this would be meet your needs for a relax and pleasant meal time? Why? Or whynot?

answer :

Normaly at home its tale 30 to 45 minuts fo meal time. ( prepare meal, relax, chat with others and cleaup ). But it is vary according to the situation

Normaly children services, is a busy place and we have to do engadge with several activities continually. So lunch break is very important for a educatIr to get relax and have pleasant lunch. So 20 minutes is not enough to pepare meal,eat clean up and relax. To do wholenprocess with in 20 miniuts we have to ebe very quick. So that will not a pleasent and relax meal time and no enough time to sosialise. Therefore 20 mints break is not enough to be relaxfor the workers who working in bussy envoriment from morning to evening.

Pls. Tell me above answer is correct or not.
Last edited by Lorina on Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scenario: 20 Minute Break For Educators

Post by Lorina » Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:05 am

It's based on your own opinion... I think your response is fine! :thumbup:


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