Physical Activity

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Physical Activity

Post by Daye » Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:06 pm

Read this situation and provide written response to the following questions.You must reference the National Physical Activitu Guidelines for Australians in your answers.

You are an educator in an education and care setting catering for children aged 5-12 years old.Three children have approached you wanting to plan an outdoor activitirs for the next two weeks.

1) How are you going tp facilitate the group discussion? ( Refer to the tools you could use such as a whiteboad,mind map etc, as well as the setting this discussio may take place.

The educator should be able to lead children to be able to agreed on a physical activities of their own choice.The educator can do this by first finding a quiet place to talk to the children,a quiet room where everyone can sit and discuss the physical activity they want.The educator can use the white board to write the suggested physical activities of children.The suggested activities written for example are shoot hoops,egg and spoon race,musical statue games,kick the can,tug of war,jumping with ropes,soccer.The educator will ask children to help to plan the outdoor activity,educator will consider if the suggested physical activities is age appropriate, mostly physical activity for this age group is more of games and planned activities.Adult guided fundamental movement skills learning experiences could involve participation by children with large groups,small groups or as an individual activity.
-the educator will plan together with children the amount of time the children are going to spend for the task.
-the educator will also consider how to provide an environment that encourages and supports children contributions.
-educators will also consider each childs developmental level for the suggested physical activities so educator can decide how to make it easier or harder as required for each childs ability level.
-educator should also make sure that there are enough equipment for the suggested activities to encourage participation of children.The educator should also make sure to minimise the time that the children are waiting fir their turn( e.g. run a number of activity at once that use different equipment) also educator should avoid activities where children should be eliminated from the game if they are tagged or drop the ball.
-the educator will then asked children one by one if they were happy with the planned activity.

2)How are you going to encourage their problem solving skills?

- the educator should encourage and reinforce childrens effort.
-educators should acknowledge and support the individual abilities and contribution of each child.
-educators should respond to childrens ideas and suggestions.
-educators should give children the opportunity to make decisions.
-educators should acknowledge childrens feeling.
-during the discussion,the educator should avoid comparison or competition between children.
-helping children to share their idead or have their say will allow them to be competent.
-educator should show interest to children by asking each and everyones opinion.
-educator should smile and use positive facial expressions with every ideas of children.
-educator should maintain eye contaft with children whenever they are talking or giving their ideas.
-educator should praise children for their positive behaviour like for example acknowledging their being respectful when someone is talking.
-educator should respect the feelings and opinions of children no matter how young they are.

3) How you would ensure that all children's voices are heard in the decision making and planning especially children that maybe shy or quiet?

The educator should make the environment or the atmosphere fun because children are more likely to involve themselves if there is a bit fun and the process of conversation is enjoyable.A sense of humor coming from the educator will help those children who are shy or quiet to share in the decision making or planning.
-educators should show support and encouragement to children by giving them enough time to share, the educator should not put children in a hurry for their opinions or rather put them on the spot to state their views or suggestion for this will be difficult for shy or quiet children whom will feel that they are being let down,judge or criticised if they say or suggested something.Having someone that children can trust that they will be supported with what their going to say will help children to participate in the decision making.
-educator should always show this friendly,open and accepting attitude towards children because the more likely children to communicate with educators that they had warm and trusting relationship.
-educator should use an open ended question to encourage children to communicate their own thoughts,feelings and ideas e.g tell me about the physical activity that you want?

4)Describe how are you going to encourage the children to use the National Physical Activity Guideliness 5-12 years in their planning.

The educator can do this by discussing first the importance or the benefits pf physical activity with children,that it can help children grow strong bones and muscles and can show some pictures of children who are skipping,running,hopping,jumping,climbing,swinging on monkey bars,children playing tag of war and hopscoth.The educator can then inform children that under the Australian National Physical Activity Guidelines children ages 5-12 years old should accumulate atleast 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity everyday.The educator can inform children that the activity can be accumulated throughout the day and can show pictures of moderate activity such as fast walking,riding a bike and active play as well.Discussing the recommende physical activity will gives children opportunity to collect information about the physical activities they are doing outside the care that can be adopted or modified that are suited to be done in the centre.For example many younger children attende sporting events with their family so children can have a suggestion of the sports like cricket or football that van be modified by educators to be played by children.It could be lot of fun for children to be able to act out these games or play a version of them together with other children.

5)Previously outdoor games have at times resulted in children hurting each other.In your role as an educator,how are you going to support interactions between children where there is conflict?(e.g during the physical activities the children have organised)

-the educator could set ground rules for it will help children to discuss the situation and arrive at a solution that children are willing to can be done by
* everyone gets a say
* everyone listens without interrupting
* everyone geys to propose a solution
* all solution must be discussed
* group must choose the best solution together.

- educator should give each person a say reminding children to listen without interrupting, the educator will then ensure that everyone has the chance to speak about the problem.
-The educator will then state the problem clearly
- the educator will then ask children to suggest a solution.
- the educator will then help children to choose a solution,guide the children in discussing the pros and cons of each solution and encourage them to consider how the solution with affect others as well as themselves.
- the educator will put on the solution into effect.

Pls help im not sure about question number 5.thanks

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