legal assessment 2

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legal assessment 2

Post by Reebs » Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:30 pm

hi there i dont know if i have just mushed my brain trying to get the correct wording and all the information in on this answer but now my answer doesnt seem to make sence to me gahh may i please have some gaiuande on how to reword this so i dont fail this quesion please?!?!? :( iam so stuck on how to word my answer :( :(
Q :Why is it important that the information on a record of harm/abuse is free of judgement?

It is important to make sure that the information that you have given is as immediately as possible,take notes,dates times,childs name dob, make sure your observations are clearly stated, injury or abuse ,names frequenlty used, timeframe of the abuse,timeframe of identifying disclosure occured how who where,have no assumptioms,what peopole do or do not,know or think is present,facts are presented clearly.

by doing this the information which you are providing will be more accurate, the statements which you record need to be objective non judgemental in the possible situatioon of child abuse/neglect as they may be used in future. your records can go to Your service,health services,various courts (childrens court,family court,criminal court an civil court) other investigations,police,refferal agengies. Why: legal responsibilties,chid protection,future in case other concerns arise,childrens files can be subpoeoned,courts may ask for information,police may ask for written information,child protection may ask for written information,other workers can access the information if required in the future,give to other agensies which refer the child and family to, and families may also ask for written information. there is reperccussions of a biased report; parents could be wrongly accused,and investigated, educator could loose their job, the centre could loose its families from word of mouth for poor judgements, court could be involved. if the information is not correct you could waste the time of the child protection officers.
You need to show clarity,objective,accuracy and fact.
Clarity assists the reader to understand your message,objectivly means being fair in your work and showing appropriate balance.Avoid bias.Accuracy ensures the correct information is given. Your work is percieved as more proffessional and believable.Helps avoid making value judgements. reduces complaints about what you have written. Ensuring your reports meet these standards also helps to ensure your reports are in the best intrest of the child about whom you are writting.

you should show empathy,put youreself in the shoes of the parent and situation. You dont know what is happening in their life or at home, which could be a factor in the month that you have observed neglect/abuse, do not have youre personal conclusions or assumptions about the type of abuse, or situation.Just by stating everything correctly and promptly your report will help the acting child saftey officer understand and work out what is the best outcome for that child.

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Re: legal assessment 2

Post by Lorina » Sat Jul 09, 2022 12:54 pm

Yes you're on the right track! This may also help:

Issues To Consider When Making A Report

Objectivity means having an awareness of any potential biases that may relate to a child, young person, parent or caregiver’s age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, cultural/community child-rearing practices, or socioeconomic status.

Credibility is reliant on the report being impartial, factual and free of any possible interpretation or judgement of an individual’s values, morals or religious or cultural beliefs. Achieving credibility in reporting suspicions of child abuse and neglect is important to maximise opportunities for the safety, well-being and development of children or young people who have been harmed or are at risk of harm. Credibility relates to the quality of the information you have collected and which forms the basis of your reasonable suspicion. Relevant, professionally sound, and accurate data are critical elements of a credible report.

Professional boundaries are grounded within a clearly articulated ethical framework that comprises four central principles:

1. beneficence (of always doing good for the patient)
2. non-maleficence (of avoiding doing harm)
3. respect for patient autonomy as a decision-making individual
4. justice (treating everyone equally).

These boundaries must be central to your practice when you are working with children and young people who have experienced, or who are experiencing abuse and neglect. The involvement with, and consideration of the family and/or their carers may present you with professional dilemmas and challenges in maintaining appropriate professional boundaries. It is important to know your professional and personal support systems and access them as required.

Despite your possible distress to a child or young person’s abusive experience, it is important your care, response, treatment and support remain within the parameters of your professional boundaries and responsibilities. Expressions of anger, pity, and outrage have no place in the provision of professional health care to the victims and possible perpetrators of child abuse and neglect.

Ref: Child Abuse


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Re: legal assessment 2

Post by Reebs » Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:41 pm

thankyou thankyou thankyou for getting back to me i had stopped working on this question to continue with my other part of my assignment and is due tomorrow!!! i can not thankyou enough for helping me blesss xxxxxx

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Re: legal assessment 2

Post by Lorina » Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:47 pm

You're most welcome!

I apologise for the late reply! It's been a chaotic week for me.

I'll try and get back to questions within a day from now on.


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