Job Assessment - LAO15624

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Job Assessment - LAO15624

Post by Harjit » Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:53 pm

can anyone help me in off job assessment LAO15624. Please help me. I need to resubmit this assessment. I do not know what I write

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Re: Support the development of Children

Post by Harjit » Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:11 pm

Cluster C

Please note that all four units in Cluster C are now co-assessed. This is the only written off-the-job assignment to be completed for all four units. Please ensure that you have read the learning materials for all four units in this cluster prior to commencing this assignment.

CHCFC301A – Support the development of children
CHCIC301E – Interact effectively with children
CHCPR301C – Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
CHCPR303D – Develop an understanding of children’s interests and developmental needs

Assignment 1 - Off the job
Assessment Summary
This assessment is ungraded. Learners will receive a Competent or Not Yet Competent in accordance with TAFE NSW Assessment Guidelines.
All assignments must be completed satisfactorily.
What you have to do
Before beginning your assignment, it is important that you have all required formats and documents that were part of the download for this assignment.
Also check in the ‘Assessment tips’ section under this assessment tab in the OLS for this unit for any helpful fact sheets and web-links.

Task 1 involves completing a series of observations on a child, ‘Megen’
Task 2 involves completing a developmental summary of the child’s interest, strengths and emerging skills
Task 3 involves creating planning suggestions for the child based on the observations and developmental summary and identifying appropriate educator interactions

Please read through all tasks very carefully.
Task 1: Observations
Watch the video ‘The Three Year Old’
Complete 4 (four) different observations of ‘Megen’ (the child in the video) as detailed below:
Observation 1 – Anecdotal Observation
Use Sequence 1 - ‘At home with mother’ (Scene 1 or 2)
Observation 2 – Running Record
Use Sequence 3 – ‘At playgroup’ (Scene 1 or 2)
Observation 3 – Jottings
Use Sequence 4 –‘At home with adult’ (Scene 1, 2, 3)
Observation 4 – Checklist
Use Sequence 1 (Scene 1 and 2), Sequence 2, Sequence 3 (Scene 1 and 2) and Sequence 4 (Scene 1, 2 and 3)
Each observation must include:
• interpretations
• links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Learning Outcomes
• future planning ideas for each observation

Your observations must cover the following developmental domains:
• Physical
• Social
• Emotional and Psychological
• Language
• Creative
• Cognitive

The following observation formats have been developed to use for this task
Child’s name: Megen Date:
Setting: At home with mother
Observer: Harjit Gill
Observation: Megen is playing with her mother. She is 3 years old. She is youngest of 3 children. She is try to make household things. She is talkative. She is learn quickly.
When writing the observation you need to clearly describe what you see. For example: Megen picks up the dough in her left hand and hands it to her mother saying “ball please”. Your learning materials will have examples to guide you. Interpretation: Megen is making nose, big tummy, and little legs for baby. She showed expression when her mother talking about bigger eyes. She put questions to her mother about feet.
When you write your interpretation you can only refer to what you have written in the observation. Want you have written here is not included in the observation. Developmental domain: Emotional and psychological, Language
Which skills from these domains were displayed in the observation? You need to be specific. EYLF Learning Outcomes and Sub Elements: Children are confident and involved learners.
Possible future planning:
Encourage Megen to explore and problem solve with material and diverse experiences. This is a good goal to have for Megen. You need to list what actual experiences you will implement to support Megen in achieving this goal.

Child’s name: Megen Date:
Setting: At play group
Observer: Harjit Gill
Observation: Megen is playing with 5 children and 3 adults including her mother. She is calm and quiet when she is doing puzzle and painting. She doing less talking to children and adults. She looked at children and adults what they are doing. Interpretation: She try to doing puzzle and painting. She want to put green colour in her paint but she did not say anything when other child take green colour from her. Developmental domain: Creative EYLF Learning Outcomes and Sub Elements: Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes.
Possible future planning: She need to close attention and love.
Encourage Megen to doing work herself, share knowledge with children and adults and interaction with children.
Please refer to comments re anecdotal record as to how you can improve on this running record.
Child’s name: Megen Observer: Harjit Gill
Setting: At home with adult Interpretation: Firstly, Megen is calm. After 1 hours, she talked little bit. She gave response with nonverbally. After 2 hours, Megen took interest with adult. She give response quickly. She played with counting. Developmental domain: Language, physical, creative, cognitive EYLF Learning Outcomes and Sub Elements: Children have a strong sense of identity, children are confident and involved learners.
Jotting 1: She is very calm. She did not pay attention.
Jotting 2: She is talk little bit with adult.
Jotting 3: She have more interaction with adult.
Possible future planning:
Encourage Megen to talk with groups. Listen Megen firstly then give response quickly. Ask her about work, what she is doing and why?
Your jottings are too brief. Normally each jotting entry is 4-5 sentences long with clarity as to how they link to the other entries. Your learning materials will have further informationas to how to write jottings. The previous comments re interpretation and developmental domains also apply with this observation.
Child’s name: Megen
Developmental domain: Emotional and psychological, Language, creative, physical, cognitive
Skill: AA, WD, E, N/O Comments/ Observation:
Social and emotional WD She is able to make eye contact. She stands up for own rights/belongings. She appears to have positive sense of self. She is co-operate with others.
Self-help skills AA She blows her nose when her mother talking to her (express her feelings).
Fine motor development WD She is able to complete puzzle and painting. She is able to count words when adult playing with her.
Expressive language AA She is able to define simple words such as coat, nose, legs, and tummy and so on.
EYLF Learning Outcomes and Sub Elements: Children have a strong sense of identity, children are confident and involved learners, Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes,
Possible future planning:
Encourage Megan to play with her aged children. Give more interactions to her. Clarify all things to talk with her. Discuss daily routine with her.

AA = Age appropriate WD = Well developed E = Emerging N/O = Not observed
When developing a checklist you need to specifically identify what skills you are observing. Rather than stating social skills you need to list which social skills you are observing such as approaching peers during play, engaging in conversation with peers, taking a leadership role during play etc. Once you have identified the specific skill you then make an assessment as to the child’s abilities with comments to support your assessment.
Task 2: Developmental summary
Using the observations completed on ‘Megen’ for Task 1, complete a Developmental Summary.

Your Developmental Summary must cover the following developmental domains:
• Physical
• Social
• Emotional and Psychological
• Language
• Creative
• Cognitive

Your Developmental Summary must also identify the child’s:
• Early Years Learning Framework Learning Outcomes and Sub Elements
• Interests
• Strengths
• Emerging skills
• Future planning

The following Developmental Summary formats have been developed to use for this task.
Child’s name: Megen Date:
Summary of all areas of development:
This child has major separation anxiety from her mother. When at home with mum all domains are there and age appropriate. She is happy, confident, fine and gross motor skills are good, speech is a little hard to understand sometimes. At playgroup she makes only brief eye contact, doesn't engage with anyone, is extremely tense and anxious, follows mum around and won't let her leave. She does do some of the activities (alone or with mum to help) but is completely mute. At home when another adult was brought in child struggled to engage. But patience and gentle and fun one on one attention worked and after a few hours child was laughing, interacting, give and take conversation and playing without mum in the room (although she was in the house). Child interacts with grandparents but only when mum is present. Won't allow mum to leave.
When writing the summary you need to use positive language. Remember the child’s family have a right to read what you have written so often negativity is distressing for the family. You have included information that was not evident in your observations. Your developmental summary can only include information that was identified in the series of observations you have completed. Once again your learningmaterials will have examples to guide you.

EYLF Learning Outcomes and Sub Elements: Children have a strong sense of identity, children are confident and involved learners, Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes You also need to identify which indicators are evident through your observations.
Interests: She has interest in painting, puzzle, making household things, play with doll, so on
Strengths: Loves dolls, numbers and patterns, imaginary games (with playdo. Made things and used them to tell a story), puzzles and painting, playdo. counts to four (may go further but not observed in video), shares, knows and names body parts, has a sense of humour, dresses a doll though needed some help, holds things like a paint brush with thumb and finger.

Emerging skills: Severe anxiety around being away from mum, doesn't engage with other children or any other adults at playgroup, not even with mum in the room. Will make brief eye contact but that's it. Needs a lot of guidance when not at home, language seems good but can be hard to understand sometimes (could have been video quality too)

Future planning:
1. I've set up a gradual plan introducing child to care and involving mum in process. I don't think the 'just leave' approach will work with this child. Not with strangers and in an unfamiliar environment

2. She seems to like making things so have set up a table with craft (beads, paints, glitter, paper shapes, leaves ) for her and some other children to build in skills she already has, encourage motor skills and imagination and to encourage interaction with educator and a small number of other children in a non-threatening way. (Also thought of beads and threading as she likes patterns and is good for motor skills )

While the emerging skills and interests are relevant for Megen you haven’t identified these in your observations. Remember your developmental summary is based only on what you have identified in the observations so basically if it is not in the observation you can not include it in the summary. You have identified relevant emerging skills however you need to be able to link these to observations. Your planning ideas are positive strategies you can use with Megen to further enhance her social development.
Task 3: Planning suggestions and Educator Interactions
Apply the knowledge you have gained from the observations and developmental summary completed on ‘Megen’ to:
Plan 3 (three) experiences to support ‘Megen’s’ development.
Please note for each of these 3 (three) experiences you will NOT be implementing them so you will NOT need to complete the evaluation/ reflection section of your Experience Plans. All other sections must be completed, including possible follow up ideas.
The following experience plan format has been developed to use for this task. Please see Assessment tips for information on how to complete this Experience Plan successfully.
Experience Plan
Learner’s name:
Harjit Gill
Plan number:
Name of experience:
Making Christmas Tree Decorations using pipe cleaners and beads Date/s presented:
Number of children:
5 children

Name/s and age/s of children:
Megen (3 years old), Sally (3.5 years old), Katie (4 years old), Sue (4.5 years old), Kobi (5 years old)

Reason/s you have chosen to present this experience
It is December, and all of the children are talking daily about Christmas. The children are all very interested in Christmas at the moment, and are talking about their Christmas trees at home. Children were very interested in threading the large beads onto the shoelaces that were available to do during free play, this was a popular activity, so I believe this will extend their learning using smaller beads for a different purpose. The children will benefit from this fine motor activity While this is a valid reaon for implementing this plan you need to base your ideas on your knowledge of Megen (your observations). Your reasoning needs to show clear likns to your observations eg In ob 1 Megen was………
Identify developmental priorities/learning opportunities
Identify EYLF Learning Outcomes and Sub Elements

My experience supports Physical Development. What aspects of physical development? You need to be more specific. You also need to identify which outcomes and indicators from the EYLF are addressed through this experience.
Describe how you will set up the learning environment
We will find that many combine elements of developmentally appropriate play with learning. While a literacy environment, with colourful seating or floor cushions, children's books and writing materials, performs as the central reading and writing area of the classroom, we should always incorporate some form of reading and writing at the other learning environment. One of the learning environment might include an area with objects to manipulate for small motor practice; provide building supplies such as blocks, puzzles, Legos and stringing beads. These manipulative also help to teach math skills as pre-schoolers begin to count and pattern. A dramatic play learning environment to practice socialization skills may contain a kitchen, home or restaurant arrangement and articles of dress-up clothing. An art environment contains all types of drawing materials suitable for the age group, various types of paper, chalkboards or white boards, safety scissors and glue. Safety magnifying glasses, science books and photos, wildlife puzzles and baskets of natural materials such as rocks, shells and magnets might exist in a science learning environment. If available, computers reside in a technology learning environment. This is a very general statement and doesn’t describe how you will set up this particular experience. In this section you need to describe how you will arrange the resources, if it is inside or outside, morning or afternoon etc. Basically you need to describe how you want the experience set up in enough detail that would enable another educator to set up the experience.
How will you involve the child/ children in your experience?
I will you introduce the experience to the children by first discussing the fact that it is almost Christmas. I will talk about Christmas trees and decorating them. I will show the children some examples of the decorations that they will be making.

How will you communicate effectively with the child/ children?
Communication skills I will use are facial cues, and intonations in my voice. I will provide a helpful and fun experience for the children. While we make our crafts, I will talk to the children about Christmas and how special it is This is a good strategy.

How will you promote positive behaviour throughout this experience?
They will have the opportunity to socialise as they create, thus extending on their Social Development. They will have the opportunity to form their own designs first by arranging the beads in patterns before they thread them, or by spontaneous imagination. This is what the children will have the opportunity to do however you needed to explain how you will encourage this behaviour.

How will you collaborate with the child/ children throughout this experience?
We would collaborate with each other when making tress. I would provide the children with opportunities like this to socialise about their excitement of Christmas, because that is what was most important to them, not the outcome of the craft item.

How will you recognise and act upon opportunities to enhance sustainability in the workplace throughout this experience?
I would add a larger variety of craft items to make them out of as some of the children requested that we make some shiny decorations with glitter. This is how you would extend on the experience. How would you encourage the children to act in an envirionmentally sustainable way?

`Reflection/evaluation of the experience (not required to be completed for this assignment)

Follow up ideas
As a follow up, I would like to provide the children with objects to create crafts in patterns, as a number of the children were enjoying threading the beads on in pattern formation. I could extend on this with a variety of different options by using either craft items for them to create, or by introducing the patterns in a variety of different forms and scenarios. Cognitive groups such as Maths group, identifying shapes and patterns, but keeping it interesting. As a craft item we could use coloured shapes of cellophane to create stained glass windows.
With this task you needed to develop 3 experience plans not one. Please use your learning materials and this feedback to redevelop your planning and remember to write 3 individual plans not one.

Harjit, I have marked your assignment as unsatisfactory. You need to use the feedback given and your learning materials to guide you when rewriting your work. I would like you to redevelop and resubmit your complete assignment. As always, your teachers at OTEN are available for assistance and I recommend you contact them for support. Best of luck with your resubmission.
Katherine Diamante

this is my assessment

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Re: Job Assessment - LAO15624

Post by Lorina » Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:48 am

I'm sorry I missed your question. Next time please start a new topic...

Do you still need help with this assessment?


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Re: Job Assessment - LAO15624

Post by tejal » Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:07 pm

I also need help in this assessment

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Re: Job Assessment - LAO15624

Post by shalnigosai » Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:41 am


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Re: Job Assessment - LAO15624

Post by Randeep » Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:35 pm

Hey harjit , did u manage to pass through this assignment yet or not..

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Re: Job Assessment - LAO15624

Post by Kirby » Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:43 pm

Has anyone completed this assignment and passed? I am current trying to re submit and have no idea what to write - please help :-(

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