Interacting and Communicating Positively With Children

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Interacting and Communicating Positively With Children

Post by arora.bhumi28 » Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:17 am


Can you tell me what to write in below question??

Q. List 5 examples of how you can interact and communicate positively and respectfully with children throughout their day and provide examples of what those interactions would be. Make sure you identify routine times as well as play times in your examples.
Guidance: Make sure you include how you would communicate over lunch. Also include an example of how you would respond to distress in ways to meet the child’s need.
eg. Arrival time - Smile and greet child and adult, begin speaking with the child about the day

So can you give me 5 examples of that??

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Re: Interacting and Communicating Positively With Children

Post by Lorina » Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:18 am

If I give you 5 examples then I basically answered the question for you! :giggle:

How about you give me 5 examples and I'll let you know if you're on the right tack...

This may help get you started:

Encountering Phrases For Children


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