This part of the assessment requires you to identify cultural groups within your service and the community, as well as inclusive practices that support families from diverse cultures.
1) In consultation with your workplace supervisor, identify and record all the cultures that are represented within your service and the local community.
Within our service and the local community we have many different cultures. These include Indigenous, Maori, Indian, Pakistani, Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Thai, Australian, Polish, Greek, Thai, British and Fijian.
2) Give 2 examples of how your service collects information about each family’s cultural background and explain who is able to access this information.
We gather information for individual families cultural backgrounds through our enrolment forms and by getting to know the families within the centre by building relationships with them. Only the staff are able to access this information.
3) a) List practices implemented at your work placement that reflect the diverse backgrounds of the children and families within the service.
Menus are diverse to suit individuals. Menus are able to be reviewed by families so that they can have input.
All of our documentation can be arranged in to an individual's home language.
We allow for celebrations of their cultural traditions.
b) Name the policies and procedures at your work placement that reflect diversity.
We have a centre policy for “inclusion and anti-bias”. This will be attached.
C:\Users\User\Desktop\Policies\Children\Inclusion and Anti Bias Policy.doc
c) List the resources and support services that your work placement accesses to accommodate diversity.
We offer many different brochures and pamphlets that are able to help direct individuals in the direction that they need to go. However, if they prefer they can speak to our staff.
4) How has Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ‘cultural safety’ been integrated in your workplace?
Everyone within out service is treated equally and without exclusion. Every child and educator has the same right as the next. This being said, showing support for individuals beliefs and values helps them to feel as though they are accepted and within a secure environment. however, within our centre our current Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children don't follow any cultural specific traits, but if it was required we would than follow them.
5) Suggest 2 ways, as a student; you can assist in promoting a culturally safe environment in the workplace.
- I don't exclude anyone and everyone is given an equal choice
- Setting up experiences for children that provide a variety of diverse resources. Examples of this can include puzzles that show diverse cultures, musical instruments from other countries or even felt boards that promote different cultures.
6) Name 1 critical issue that may influence relationships and communication with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and ‘Closing the Gap’ in the workplace.
One of the biggest issues that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people face is the stigma that surrounds them.
7) Research ‘community protocols’ in regards to cultures represented in your workplace. Explain 1 community practice you would use when dealing with members of this community.
Some Aboriginal cultures believe that it is rude to look them directly in the eye. A way that you could practice this is by looking at their ears when speaking to them directly.
You will be required to plan and implement an experience, to a small group of children, which supports inclusive practices at your service (using the ‘planning experience template’ on the next page).
You must seek permission from your workplace supervisor and agree on a suitable time during the routine program of the day before you implement the experience. Your workplace supervisor must sign off on your planned experience.
Before planning the experience, you will need to access a slideshow called ‘UNICEF Play around the World’ http://www.imagineeducation.com.au/file ... 0world.pdf
(if this link does not work, type the heading in a search engine to find it e.g. Google)
Planning Experience Template
Planning Experience
Experience must reflect the content in ‘UNICEF Play Around the World’ slide show
Name and describe the experience you will be implementing:
Bubble play. This experience will allow for educators and children to engage in blowing bubbles and running after them.
Introduction: (How you will introduce the experience/including a transition)
I would start the experience by bringing a bubble machine or a bottle of bubble solution outside and ask the children if they would like to play with the bubbles.
Body: (The main topic of the experience you will be implementing)
This experience is a strong example of children having the opportunity to learn through play. When children have the chance to play they are able to create their own way of thinking and building on understandings. Bubble play is filled with many chances to strengthen children's developmental skills. It allows for strengthening of fine motor skills as children have to practice pinching the wand, coordinating their two hands to hold the bottle and dip the wand, opening and closing the bottle, and using hands in different ways to pop the bubbles e.g. poking with their index fingers, use of two hands to clap the bubbles.
Conclusion: (How you will conclude the experience)
Once finished I will find activities that we can use to follow up with the experience.
A follow up activity can include craft activities that use bubbles such as bubble painting, or through creating our own bubble mixture.
Link specific EYLF outcome/s:
Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity. This is evident through children being able to initiate and join in play experiences, children showing interest in other children and being a part of a group, children being able to engage on and contribute to play experiences.
List the materials/resources you will be using for your experience:
Bubble solution, bubble wands, bubble machines
Student’s role: (Be specific as to the goal/objective you would like to achieve from the experience and how will you achieve it.)
Through this experience, I would like to achieve being able to give the children the opportunity to enjoy the bubbles and to ultimately have fun. Allowing the children to blow their own bubbles will also provide the children with a sense of belonging and importance.
Explain how you will encourage children to explore and discuss cultural diversity and develop positive attitudes to their own and other cultural identities.
Young children are highly susceptible to community influences. In saying this, some children may say that they don’t want to play with such and such because of their skin colour, because of their gender and (unfortunately) the list can go on. Ways around this can include opening the children up to the numerous amounts of different cultural aspects that are around. Creating cultural dress up games are an exciting and fun way for the children to learn about different types of clothing that some cultures wear not only for festivals but in their everyday life. Inviting families into the centre to do cooking demonstrations is also beneficial for the children to further develop their understanding of different cultures, it allows the children to speak with the families and to also taste new cuisine.
How could you include families in sharing their knowledge of cultural practices when planning experiences?
Encouraging collaboration between families is highly important in providing families with the feeling of a culturally secure environment. Scheduling times with families during various cultural practices.
Evaluation of your experience (including your role):
The children really seemed to enjoy this experience. We didn’t encounter any issues between our children, the only arguments that took place happened when one child wanted a turn at blowing the bubbles.
Identify areas that you can extend on to develop cultural competency.
- Trips to the museum
- Cooking experience
- Watching movies about different cultures
- Puppet shows
Workplace Supervisor’s Signature: ___________________________________
Date: ___________________