Importance Of Establishing Routines

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Importance Of Establishing Routines

Post by seep » Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:16 pm

Q-what is the importance of establishing routines with children?list 3 routines a centre may implement?

My Ans-Children, like the rest of us, handle change best if it is expected and occurs in the context of a familiar routine. A predictable routine allows children to feel safe, and to develop a sense of mastery in handling their lives. As this sense of mastery is strengthened, they can tackle larger changes
Routines eliminate power struggles
Routines help kids cooperate
Routines help kids learn to take charge of their own activities
Kids learn the concept of "looking forward" to things they enjoy..
Regular routines help kids get on a schedule
Develops Self-Discipline and Responsibility:
Builds Confidence and Independence
Eliminates Child-Anxiety
Builds Confidence and Independence:
Makes a happier child:

3 routines for a center to be implemented?
Arrival time – consistent greeting, using sensory cues such as step by step pictures. Acknowledge each child as they enter acknowledging that that have arrived and letting other children know that the child is here and that you are happy to see them. (Social skills).
Morning Tea- involve the children to assist in preparing for morning tea. Setting the table, getting the cups ready. (Social and Language development)
Bathroom - allowing children to go to the bathroom to prepare for morning tea/ lunch can be done in pairs, colours, names beginning with the same letter of the alphabet. (Social, turn taking, language and daily hygiene practices)
Packing up- establish a process that makes packing up enjoyable, have containers ready for easy packing, utilise language interaction to talk about what goes where, sizes, shapes. Ensure that the packing away is not too big to make the task a chore. (Social, helping skills, maths, language)
End of the day- provide small individual experiences for each child to prepare to go home. Remember to include individual farewell to each child including looking forward to seeing them the next time. (winding down, relaxation, memory.)

is it OK or should I add 2 more routines like this?or these will be considered as different routines for one day?what do you suggest about the rest of the answer?

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Re: Importance Of Establishing Routines

Post by Lorina » Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:18 am

I think your response is good :thumbup: You've added how routines are important and how the child benefits from a routine. The routines for a centre to be implemented are good choices and you have some good ideas as well!


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Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:40 am

Re: Importance Of Establishing Routines

Post by seep » Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:58 am

thanks Lorina :D

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