just need a help here. I did try to answer please check my answers of scenario 1 and guide me in the scenario 2..
Scenario : You are annoyed at a staff member’s open hostility and harshness towards the children when you and she are working alone. The staff member favours her grandchild who is in the room also. When a supervisor comes into your area, the staff member puts on a sweet voiced,
child-focused approach.
(1) Why this is an ethical dilemma. What principal of ethical behavior must be upheld?
This is an ethical dilemma because in this situation there is a conflict with moral responsibilities.
Principles of ethical behavior that must be upheld:
Integrity, Objectivity, Professional competence and due care, Confidentiality and Professional behavior
(2) Why there is a breach of professional boundaries?
There is a breach of professional boundaries because of educator’s open hostility, harshness towards the other children and favouring her grandchild.
Professional boundary violations represent a breach of trust, a failure to meet a duty of care to children, and a failure to follow conduct requirements of the employer.
(3) Who should you inform?
(4) Which statement from code of ethics relates to this situation?
In relation to children, I will:
Work to ensure children are not discriminated against on the basis of gender, age, ability, economic status, family structure, lifestyle, ethnicity, religion, language, culture, or national origin.
In relation to colleagues, I will:
Encourage my colleagues to adopt and act in accordance with this Code, and take action in the presence of unethical behaviors.
(5) What action you may take? How would you resolve this situation?
I will share the dilemma with my supervisor. I will encourage my colleagues to adopt and act in accordance with Code of ethics.
To resolve this situation, I will: Review all the facts, consider the consequences, consider the actions and Make decision
I am stuck with few questions in this scenario :
You are told by a child that another educator has touched him in a private place and he don't like it.
(1) Why this is an ethical dilemma?What considerations must be taken into account?
(2) What tips would you use to solve this?
(3) Action you may deal with this situation?
ethical dilemma
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Re: ethical dilemma
Scenario two is a very difficult one.
Since the child can be talking about sexual abuse or such. Its important to remember that he may be speaking of a different part of his body that isnt what we consider private (like his hair)
But since he has said this you would need to go to the room leader (if they arnt the person that had touched him) and your centre director cause it can be a very serious matter. Its an ethical deliemma because the child's body has been breached and is uncomfortable (which no child should go though) sexual abuse is just wrong.
Tips would be to tread carefully. You write down word of word EXACTLY what the child said and what they did, If you're going to ask the children questions get them to point to where they were touched but dont push them if they dont want to (important tell them this) their age also is a factor because they could even be making it up (unlikely but can be a issue) that depends on that childs history (have the made up stories before)
But really it comes to your director and room leader. Thats the first thing you would have to do and they will take matter over. Its just important that you document everything that happened for legal reasons.
Since the child can be talking about sexual abuse or such. Its important to remember that he may be speaking of a different part of his body that isnt what we consider private (like his hair)
But since he has said this you would need to go to the room leader (if they arnt the person that had touched him) and your centre director cause it can be a very serious matter. Its an ethical deliemma because the child's body has been breached and is uncomfortable (which no child should go though) sexual abuse is just wrong.
Tips would be to tread carefully. You write down word of word EXACTLY what the child said and what they did, If you're going to ask the children questions get them to point to where they were touched but dont push them if they dont want to (important tell them this) their age also is a factor because they could even be making it up (unlikely but can be a issue) that depends on that childs history (have the made up stories before)
But really it comes to your director and room leader. Thats the first thing you would have to do and they will take matter over. Its just important that you document everything that happened for legal reasons.