Encourage Children To Make Decisions

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Encourage Children To Make Decisions

Post by adriperdomo » Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:31 pm

So far I have

I will encourage children to make decisions about their learning environment, and everyday routines allow them:
 to explore,
 to experiment
 To make choices.
These help children to develop confidence, skills across of all areas of developments and growth. Which are important to create sense of independence and the ability and confidence to make decision?
E.g. ask the children about ideas to arrange the kitchen corner. When we promote and initiate conversations with children, about their opinion in topics that relate to them like opinion of their environment, they really feel value and appreciated. In that way they explore ideas and contribute with ideas to enhance the task. It is important the educator take the task seriously and try to incorporate the ideas from the conversation. This will provide the children a sense of respect, value and confidence. All these actions recognizing children capability for decision making which in this case means their daily experiences and routines become more reflective of their interests and abilities.

Any feedback to my answer?

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Re: Encourage Children To Make Decisions

Post by Lorina » Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:31 am

I think you're on the right track! :thumbup:

This will also help:

Offering Children Choices


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Re: Encourage Children To Make Decisions

Post by adriperdomo » Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:15 pm

Thanks Lorina, great information

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