Contribute To The Process Of Policies & Procedures

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Contribute To The Process Of Policies & Procedures

Post by Fati » Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:02 pm

I'm a student of diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

Could you please help me with this Assessment....

This task requires to explain the processes the centre uses to review policies and procedures and examine ways in which you are able to contribute to this process.
1. Describe the process the service uses to review policies and procedures?

2. How could you contribute to the development and review of policies and practices in your service?

Please I really need your help.

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Re: Contribute To The Process Of Policies & Procedures

Post by Lorina » Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:14 am

Here is some info that may help:

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Re: Contribute To The Process Of Policies & Procedures

Post by momotayeasmin » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:45 pm

Describe the process the service uses to review policies and procedures?
Policies should be reviewed regularly to accommodate changes in practice, legislation, standards and current trends. This requires services to stay up‐to‐date with current information, which can be done by attending training, conferences, reading relevant journals and newsletters, and checking recognised authorities’ websites regularly. There are no set time frames for how often policies should be reviewed; however they should be reviewed regularly to ensure they are effective and up‐to‐date. Services may find it useful to develop a schedule for when policies will be reviewed. The NCAC recommend that services aim to review their policies at least once between self‐study periods. You may find that some policies are reviewed more regularly than others, due to changes in legislation or practice. Other policies may not change at all or very little, but it is important to at least take the time to review all of your policies to see if any changes need to be made.
When reviewing policies you may like to consider the following points:
What are the current trends, beliefs and information from within the sector? Will any of these changes impact on the practices within your centre, and thereby affect your policy?
Have there been any recent changes to legislation and/or regulation? If so, are these changes covered in your current policies?
What is the current information and advice coming from registered authorities? Is this inline with your current practices and what is written in your current policies, or will your policies need to be up‐dated?
How effective is the current practice of your service? Is there anything in your service you could/should improve? Have a look through minutes from previous meetings; parent feedback forms and incident/accident forms. Are there any issues or ideas from these that require you to make changes to current practices? How will this be reflected in your policy?
Have there been any changes to your service since the policy was last reviewed/written? Changes may include physical changes to the environment, changes to staff and changes to daily practices such as routines and systems. If there have been changes, what were these changes, why did they occur and how will this be reflected in your policies?
Have you looked at policies from other organisations and sample policies from the NCAC? Is there any ideas/information from these that you would like to add to your policies? How practical is your policy? Is it easy to understand, easy to read, consistent with the other policies in language and layout? Is it an accurate portrayal of the day to day practice in your service?
If, after considering the above points, you have decided not to make any changes to the policy, you will still need to write the date the policy was reviewed as well any sources used during the review process. This will show that your policies are up‐to‐date. After reviewing policies, services should destroy previous versions of the policy to avoid confusion. How and Why do I Source Policies

Is it correct?

How could you contribute to the development and review of policies and practices in your service?

I already read above link but i am confused what will be the answer. So I need help to find this question answer

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Re: Contribute To The Process Of Policies & Procedures

Post by Lorina » Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:09 am

momotayeasmin wrote:QR_BBPOST How could you contribute to the development and review of policies and practices in your service?

How you contribute is very important. No service wants to hear something that is presented as a criticism.
If you have a suggestion about a changed or new policy idea, you should:
Discuss it first with your supervisor.
Ask if it could be discussed at a team meeting to see if others hold similar views or have further knowledge on the topic.
If the new information is seen as important to act on, make sure there is a ‘who’ and a ‘when’ next to it. That means someone is responsible for following it through and developing the policy or protocol, and that there is some time when they need to report back on it.

You can contribute by:
identifying new knowledge
being familiar with current policies and protocols
being willing to make suggestions and contribute to discussions
volunteering to follow things up if others are unable to.

Ref: Contributing To Policies

Further Reading:

Developing Policies
Updating Policies

Hope this helps,


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Re: Contribute To The Process Of Policies & Procedures

Post by Unicorn1120 » Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:54 pm

thats wrong

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Re: Contribute To The Process Of Policies & Procedures

Post by Unicorn1120 » Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:55 pm

thats wrong

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Re: Contribute To The Process Of Policies & Procedures

Post by Lorina » Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:49 am

Ok so if it's wrong.... what can you add to make it right?


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Re: Contribute To The Process Of Policies & Procedures

Post by lililand » Tue Nov 27, 2018 11:08 am

Hey, Can you help me to solve this? I have already submitted to my trainer and she got my answers wrong?
Activity 1
It is necessary for the provision of quality care and to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of staff and children to have in place a range of policies and procedures. However the amount of information contained in these policies can be a little overwhelming for busy families. There may also be language and literacy issues that prevent parents from fully understanding policy documents.
For this task you are required to review the range of policies that are written specifically for parents.
NOTE: The purpose of this task is to allow you to explore the complexities of providing policy documents to a wide and diverse audience – your report should be professional and objective.
Documentation required:
a) List each policy
b) Describe how parents access these policies
c) Review the policies in terms of:
• Ease of reading, for example are all policy documents set out in the same way?
• Amount of detail provided
• Use of plain English versus jargon
• Do the policies provide clear procedures that must be followed? (if appropriate)
• Where there are legal obligations in relation to a particular policy (eg sign in/out) is the legal obligation made clear in the policy?
• How information is provided to families where English is a second language
• Comment on the outcomes of your review – suggest any changes that could be made to ensure the policies are user friendly.

Please need your help badly.. just give an example would be much appriciated !

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Re: Contribute To The Process Of Policies & Procedures

Post by lililand » Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:01 pm

Hi, Lorina can please help me to solve that above policy related questions?

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Re: Contribute To The Process Of Policies & Procedures

Post by Lorina » Fri Dec 07, 2018 7:53 pm

At the moment I am only offering complimentary support to students who have purchased a Premium Subscription. With a Premium Subscription, you can download over 200 templates for documenting children's learning as well as Curriculum Plans, Forms, Checklists and much more!

Here is more information if you're interested:

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