Considerations For Planning Menu

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Considerations For Planning Menu

Post by seep » Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:57 pm

Q-when planning menus what are some things you need to consider?

My Ans-
1-Take into consideration Nutritional needs - children, teenagers and elderly people have different dietary needs and thus require special diets
2-Consider the Appeal - when planning a meal, it is good to include a variety of colours, shapes, flavours and textures.
3-Examine your Time constraints - When planning what dishes to cook, we should consider how much time we can afford to spend in preparing and cooking the dishes.
4-Watch the Budget - We don't need to spend a fortune to have a tasty and nutritious meal.
5-Take your cooking skills into account - Not all of us are master chefs, so we should cook dishes we can easily manage on our own
6-Note if the meal is for an Occasion - choosing dishes to suit an occasion is important.
7-Know the number of children - Factors such as age or types of food that a child needs
8-Consider the availability of ingredients - Some ingredients are difficult to obtain in certain areas
9-Consider any of child's food allergies or meal requirements - can they eat what you plan to cook, are they allergic to something, are they vegetarian or can they not eat something because of their religion
10-Does you menu have repetition - do you have similar things in you menu or does you menu explore a wide range of flavours and techniques.
11-Do your dishes complement each other - do they go together without being too similar?
Please suggest is my response appropriate for the question asked?or any suggestions to add with it?

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Re: Considerations For Planning Menu

Post by Lorina » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:10 pm

Good response! :thumbup:


Posts: 193
Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:40 am

Re: Considerations For Planning Menu

Post by seep » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:13 pm


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