Communicate and interact with children

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Communicate and interact with children

Post by mehfuza.nazir » Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:55 pm

help me please in my assignment ,I really stuck in this question

1. It is important that our communication with children is positive and respectful.
List five (5) respectful communication strategies and give an example for each.
2. What methods would you use to communicate appropriately with children regarding their age, developmental stage and culture?
3. Identify five (5) examples of appropriate non-verbal communication you could use with children

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Re: Communicate and interact with children

Post by Lorina » Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:16 pm

Hi Babli,

Welcome to our Forum! :D

We do have information available on our Resources page which I suggest you read as this will give you a better understanding on how to communicate effectively with children.

The first article I suggest you read is "Understanding Early Years Learning Framework" in Resources, under Childcare Professional. If you read through Learning Outcome 5 - Children are effective communicators - it will give you ideas on how children communicate as well as how you as an educator can communicate with children.Click hereto view.

A second article I suggest you reading is called "Developing Positive Relationships & Strategies To Encourage Children" in Resources, under Childcare Professional. This article should give you an idea on respectful communication strategies. Click here to view.

I would also like you to read a topic which has already been posted on this forum called "Cert III CHCIC301D - Interact Effectively with Children" in Childcare Professionals under Certificate 3. The info in this post should also help you so check it out... click hereto view post.

Once you have read through these you should be able to easily answer your assignment question. If you are still having trouble with your assignment please let me know exactly where you are stuck and what question you don't understand so we can help you clarify it.

also - what's the Module number for this assignment?

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Communicate and interact with children

Post by fchaudari76 » Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:06 pm

lol non-verbal communication, love this one.... my classic one is I stop and look at them with a very straight face and just stare when they are doing something they shouldn't haha, always stops them in their tracks without fail
other non-verbals, shaking/nodding head...putting your hand up to indicate stop....funny how a lot of the non-verbal communication is the same you would use for another adult
Anyway I wont answer the question as L.A seems to have provided some good links to where u can read and gather the information you require. I just popped in to write about my special non-verbal communication talent haha

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Re: Communicate and interact with children

Post by mehfuza.nazir » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:14 am

thank u so much for your reply its really helping me bcoz i worked as a process worker ,and its getting very tough for me thats why i want to change my occupation and i m doing the child care certificate from tafe online studying,and i want to complete it as fast as possible,so please can u help me in this assignment question also? :(

CHCCS400A – Work within a relevant legal and ethical
You are getting late children settled with Scott before a staff meeting and you overhear one of your staff members Belinda talking to him about Eleni, who has just left after being collected by her father. She is telling Scott that Eleni’s mother had told her that all was not well between her and Eleni’s father and that a possible separation was being discussed
1. Is this ethical behaviour? Which Code of Ethics guidelines would assist you in this decision and how?
2. What will you do in the short-term? What would be your longer term team strategy? :?:

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Re: Communicate and interact with children

Post by fchaudari76 » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:20 pm

Dear Mehfuza,
I understand you wanting to get through your studies asap but a huge part of the study is understanding what is being asked of you in the assignement questions.
Over the course of my Cert III & Diploma studies I have realised that most of the questions are very "common sense" questions and can be answered without the aid of any materials (text-books, online resources etc) ... however should you get stuck your recommended text should help you out.
I personally do not find it helpful if someone just answers a question for me, I find it more helpful to attempt to do it myself and then see if I am doing it correctly and maybe some one help me with additional info I may have missed out.

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