CHCIC302A - Support Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families

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CHCIC302A - Support Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families

Post by bec2111 » Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:20 am

Topic: Lack of education/employment opportunities

describe the impacts of colonisation on Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people. Identify how these issues impact on Aboriginal & Torres Strait people and their families today?

this is my understanding of the question but i may be wrong;
i think that the lack of education opportunities for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People is due to them living in remote communities and their schools being funded by the parents and not the government. i think that many the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People don't finish school or go on to further education is because they believe that they can't do it or are pressure by their parents to follow in their footsteps such as being on the dole or depending on alcohol or drugs. The lack of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children not finishing school or going onto further education makes it harder for them to find in employment due to them not having the specific skills or lack of skills to find suitable employment for themselves meaning that they have to reliable on government payments because they cant find themselves employment

thanks in advance to all the people that help
Last edited by bec2111 on Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CHCIC302A - Support Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families

Post by bec2111 » Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:56 am

i have posted my understanding of the question please have a read and let me know if im on the right track please

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Re: CHCIC302A - Support Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families

Post by Lorina » Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:56 pm

Hey Bec,

Great response! :thumbup:

You're on the right track... good one :mrgreen: !!

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: CHCIC302A - Support Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families

Post by Lorina » Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:18 pm

Hi Bec,

Just re-reading your response and I'm not too sure about this line though:

are pressure by their parents to follow in their footsteps such as being on the dole or depending on alcohol or drugs.

I think that this line is more stereotypical than a fact. I found this information that contradicts this statement:

Alcohol consumption
Some people perceive that alcohol consumption is far greater within the Indigenous community. This is, in fact, a myth. Many Indigenous Australians do not drink alcohol at all – according to a recent census, approximately 32 per cent of Indigenous Australians are non-drinkers compared to only 16 per cent of the non-Indigenous population.

Anyways, I am attaching the document from where I found the above info. This also has some more info on Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families. So have a read through the attachment and it may give you more ideas for this assignment.

The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families have a very unique culture and there are a lot of misconceptions and stereotype on these communities today. I personally think that it has to do more with the "Culture" rather than "being on the dole or depending on alcohol or drugs". Also Indigenous people see themselves as belonging to the land, rather than owning it. So there is a difference in the ways they look at things due to their culture..

No worries, you are on the right track :thumbup: Here is the attachment:

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Re: CHCIC302A - Support Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families

Post by zipkids » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:48 am

Does anyone know where this attachment "Working with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community - A brief guide" comes from, I need to provide a source.

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Re: CHCIC302A - Support Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families

Post by Lorina » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:10 pm

hello zipkids,

I tried looking for the reference myself when I found that info and its pretty hard to find the source for this. The results comes up first in the google but that it only the word document that is attached above and this does not show the site address in the browser nor in the attachment. So I did a bit more search and I think this page could be from this site: I then went to this site and tried searching for this document there but I was unable to locate it there as well. Not sure were google picked this from.

Based on the way the text is written, I would guess that this is probably an australian government content regarding Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families. Try searching in google and let me know if you find something.


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Re: CHCIC302A - Support Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families

Post by zipkids » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:33 pm

Hi L.A,
Thanks for your quick response. I have also tried googling. It seems to pop up in a few places but all unsourced. Thanks for your help.

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