CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children

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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children

Post by Newbie » Fri Nov 25, 2016 5:31 pm

Hi there :) I'm just after some feedback on my assignment. I really don't know if I have answered all questions properly.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Short Answer questions
1. Briefly outline five (5) strategies that can be used by an educator to respond, and further enhance the development of positive relationships with children in an early childhood setting.

- Ensure I have the child’s attention – Get down to their eye level
- Use words that are appropriate to the child’s development: Make my words simple and clear.
- Provide children with the same respect to children as you would adults
- If a child does not comply assume that they have not understand and rephrase the sentence
- Be aware of body language, when speaking to children your body language conveys more of what you really mean than your words.
- Be aware of the level and tone of your voice as using a soft voice will be more effective in calming a child
- Actively listen and respond in a reassuring and sensitive way
- Allow the child to finish what they are saying before responding

2. Identify three benefits of using positive communication with children in an early childhood setting.
One of the most important ways children learn to interact positively with others is by observing educators and parents engaging in positive interactions. By educators demonstrating good communication skills and positive interacts to children, they will watch and learn about social expectations.

Using positive communication with children helps children feel secure, which frees them to explore, play and learn.
- Positive two-way communication is essential to building a child’s self esteem While children thrive with words of encouragement and praise, listening to a child boosts their self-esteem and enables them to feel worthy and loved.
- By setting up clear and open communication pattern with the children in their early years, you are setting up good practises for the future.

3. List three ways educators could gather information about children’s needs, interests and abilities. Once you have formed a list briefly explain how this information could be used to enhance relationships and inform program planning.

- Talking with the individual child
- Conversations with parents
- Parents input and feedback forms
- Information on child enrolment forms
- Talking to other educators
- Observations on what toys the child has been focusing on during play times and participating in during child’s play.
Parents and educators should work together to understand the child interests through experiences, and family culture. When educators understand children within the different contexts of their lives it assist them in planning experiences and routines that reflect children’s interests and abilities. This will also help to maintain consistency between home and childcare routines for younger children.
Educators are required to make information about each child available for families and to show children’s learning in each of the EYLF Learning Outcome areas.
Having knowledge of each child’s cultural practises enables educators to provide environments and experiences which are inclusive of all children within the service which will help make them feel confident within themselves and provides the children with a strong sense of identity.
By using this knowledge and information educators can provide engaging experiences to further develop their learning and create trusting and respectful relationships with the children and their families.

4. Briefly outline the benefits of applying developmentally appropriate limits to children’s behaviour. In your answer explain why these limits to behaviour must be applied within service policies and procedures.

The benefits of applying developmentally appropriate limits to children’s behaviour are that the response, which you use, will be appropriate to the child’s capability and level of understanding.
These limits to behaviour must be applied within service policies and procedures to safeguard your actions and provide guidelines for how to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children. They clarify what should be a consistent approach to behaviour strategies within the service and how to act as a role model.

5. How would you encourage children to respect similarities and differences between each other? In your answer, identify three techniques you could implement in your daily practice.
As an educator I could:
- Add posters within the play areas of different families wearing different clothes and cultures.
- Play games with children to help them understand what it is like for a child that is blind (cover their eyes with a blindfold) or deaf (get them to cover their ears) and get them to do tasks to see what it is like.
- Have group discussions with children on what makes them the same (eye colour, hair colour) and different (what they eat, their family structure, language they speak). I could record the discussion and display it in a chart for families.
- For ‘ Harmony Day’ have the children bring photos of their extended families and a little information about their families heritage to display in the classroom and talk about similarities and differences.

6. Children are learning how to control their emotions and therefore require good role modelling and practice to learn how to express their emotions appropriately. Consider how you would respond to two children wanting the same toy who are starting to become upset and agitated. Identify one appropriate strategy you would use for each age group below to resolve the conflict:
• 0-2 year olds
Children at this age in development are learning to control their emotions. They may not understand the concept of ‘sharing’ with other children managing their emotions If two children are fighting over the same toy I would find the same toy and give it to the other child or find another toy one of the children could play with. Children are too young to understand waiting or sharing at this stage.
• 2-3 year olds
I would use a song or music to the young child to teach them how to manage their emotions and ways that they can understand of how to positively resolve the conflict. It will help to understand the importance of sharing, turn- taking and how regulate their emotions positively.
• 3-5 year olds.
Books about (resolving conflict and sharing with peers) may be helpful in educating children about strategies that they can use when they feel certain emotions. It teaches children how they can positively regulate their emotions and how they should share toys or other items with other children. It teaches about the importance of sharing with others and building effective relationships with their peers.

7. Give an example of how you might help a child make a decision.
Letting children make choices and experiencing the natural consequences of their actions is an important part of helping children learn their limitations. Allowing children to make their own choices helps promote a sense of independence and agency that lead to children developing confidence and knowledgeable self- identity, giving a child a choice between two acceptable options makes children feel powerful and part of the decision making process.
For example 3-year-old Judy is busy with her block construction, when her educator Anne comes up to her and says, “I can see you are very busy there Judy, I am just getting paint set up so we can all paint pictures, would you like to continue playing with blocks or help us set up the paint table and paint a butterfly perhaps?”
We need to make sure that we take into account the child’s age as this will impact their decision making skills, it is important that we carefully consider the materials and resources that are provided in a program when choosing resources it helpful for us to consider the following
- Are the resources provided for a child open ended, with the potential to be used a number of ways opposed to having one use or function as this will allow the children to make a decision on what they do with it.
-Can children access and use it for themselves without help
-Can it be used by one child or by a group?
So we need to be able to be there when needed to help and guide the children with what they decide to do and making sure we can let them learn from their decisions and consequences without posing any physical or emotional harm.

8. Give two examples of how you might draw a child’s attention to positive aspects of their behaviour.
An effective way of encouraging good behaviour management skills is to acknowledge children when they make positive choices in managing their own behaviour. It is important to use positive reinforcement when a child is making positive choices, as this will help them develop effective methods of self- regulation.
An educator can either verbally or non-verbally acknowledge good behaviour. An example of non-verbal behaviour includes thumbs up, a high five, or a smile.
When a child’s positive behaviour is acknowledged without them having to seek recognition or gratification, you demonstrate that you are paying attention and that you recognise when they make positive choices, which encourages the child to continue making positive choices.

9. Identify two forms of behaviour management that you must not use and explain why these are unacceptable and to be avoided. Use the United Nations Convention Rights of the Child and the Education and Care Services National Regulations to guide your answer.
The following examples of discipline are considered serious breach of the department of Education and early childhood development Act.
- Force Feeding
- Depriving a child of food or drink (for example. Saying to a child ‘if you don’t eat your vegetables you can’t have any dessert”)
- Excessive use of negative language, including “no, stop that! And ‘bad’.
- Physically dragging a child

10. Briefly describe why it is important for children to be able to express their ideas and stories in a variety of situations. Refer to the Early Years Learning Framework to guide your answer.

It is important for children to express their own ideas and feelings to make something, which is original, for example a picture, clay sculpture or house made from blocks. This enables the child to express feelings and ideas more easily than by using words.
Not all children are able to communicate their ideas through verbal methods and by providing opportunities for children to express their ideas in a Varity of contents; a child will discover different ways of expressing themselves. This can be through music and art. From birth children communicate with others using gestures, language, sounds and assisted communication.
In the EYLF under outcome 5: children are effective communicators: Communication is crucial to belonging, being and becoming.


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Re: CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children

Post by Lorina » Sat Nov 26, 2016 1:26 pm

Yes! You're on the right track! :thumbup:

You have given good details in your responses!

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Re: CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children

Post by » Sat Dec 12, 2020 12:07 pm

Hello Lorina,

Got stuck with such answer. The booklet as provided has too many information but not the info you need for an answer. Please advice...Question as given below:

Later in the day, Mitchell is playing in the wet sand, designing a complex city of roads and buildings. Sarah runs through Mitchell’s ‘city’ and wrecks it. Mitchell is silent for a moment then says loudly “I’m angry Sarah! You wrecked all of my hard work!” Sarah offers to help him re-build it and Mitchell reluctantly agrees.

a) What could you say to acknowledge Mitchell’s positive choices in dealing with potential conflict?

b) How can you involve all children in developing limits and consequences for inappropriate behaviors?

c) What are the benefits of allowing children to make choices and experience natural consequences of these (when there is no risk of harm)?

d) Which service documents guide your actions when guiding children’s behavior?

Thank you


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Re: CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children

Post by Lorina » Fri Dec 18, 2020 1:14 am

a) You could say something like "Mitchell I really appreciate how you expressed to Sarah how you felt when she knocked down your city. It helps us to understand what you are feeling".

b) Brainstorm ideas for rules. Let all children have input etc.

c) Helps children to learn about consequences for their action, gives children a choice.

d) Behaviour Management Policy

Hope this helps!


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