CHCECE004 - Educator Breaching Regulations Through Statements At Mealtimes

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CHCECE004 - Educator Breaching Regulations Through Statements At Mealtimes

Post by Maanasa » Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:28 pm

A new educator has started working at your service. During meal times you have observed her making statements to the children like, ‘You won’t be getting any dessert unless you eat all of your lunch’, ‘Children who don’t eat all of their food won’t get presents off Santa Claus’, ‘I’m not giving you a drink until you eat all of your carrots’ and ‘Well if you don’t eat the casserole I won’t give you anything else to eat. You will just have to go hungry’.
Complete the following:
a) Identify the Education and Care Services National Regulation this educator is breaching by making these statements.

b) Explain how this staff member is acting unethically and undermining the rights of the children in their care. Make reference to the National Quality Standard, Belonging, Being and Becoming – The Early Years Learning Framework, Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in your answer.
c) Briefly describe three positive strategies that this educator could use to encourage the children in her care to try new food

Lorina plz help me with solving this question. :sweating:
Last edited by Lorina on Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks

Post by Rimpy » Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:30 pm

 Educator must put a small amount of each food on the plate so children aren’t Overwhelmed.Large portions can be very daunting.
 By giving opportunities to help in deciding the choices and in the preparation of their meals or snacks is another strategy.
try to make third point now

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Wei Feng
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Re: CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks

Post by Wei Feng » Sat Jun 06, 2015 2:05 pm

1) Educators eating the new food enjoyable in front of the children.
2) Storytelling about the new food can arouse interest among the children
3) Post the new food’s picture in the service, especially in dining room

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