CHCCN302 - Poster to "Help Children, Help Themselves"

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CHCCN302 - Poster to "Help Children, Help Themselves"

Post by RITA » Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:38 pm

Establish an environment that encourages children to complete tasks for themselves.

Carers and parents can work collaboratively to assist children to develop a sense of responsibility and shared ownership of housekeeping tasks.

Create a poster for parent scalled "Helping children to help themselves"

The aim of the poster is to share information with parents the importance of encouraging children to begin to take responsibility for theri personal belonging and for sharing small housekeeping task at the centre such as picking up toys or books, setting the table, gardening, putting clothes/shoes in bag etc,

Your poster should:

1 Identify the skills that are being developed
2 How this strategy supports childrens self-esteem and sense of belonging
3 Provide examples of the tasks/jobs given to children
4 Provide examples of how carers praise and encourage children
5 Suggest small task/jobs that children could be encouraged to do at home

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Re: CHCCN302 - Poster to "Help Children, Help Themselves"

Post by Lorina » Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:18 pm

Hi Rita,

Just trying to figure out what question you're stuck on for this particular assignment. From my understanding all you need to do is come up with a poster to "Help Children, Help Themselves".

If you are looking for some examples well them maybe I can assist you with this. Some ideas are:

- Pouring own drinks into cups

- Putting on own sunscreen

- Serving own foods during meal times

- Wiping down tables after lunch (using soap and water)

- Cleaning up after activities (packing away toys, activities etc)

- Putting own own clothing (jumpers, shoes, hats)

- Making own beds for rest time

- Packing away beds after rest time

If you need further information, just let me know...


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Re: CHCCN302 - Poster to "Help Children, Help Themselves"

Post by RITA » Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:10 pm

thanks alot. Much appreciated.


Re: CHCCN302 - Poster to "Help Children, Help Themselves"

Post by jackjames » Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:09 pm

its really good, thanks for sharing it.

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Re: CHCCN302 - Poster to "Help Children, Help Themselves"

Post by Mychildcare2014 » Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:11 pm

Hi there

I'm studying the same subject and iam stuck on question 3:
Provide examples of the tasks/jobs given to children

Can someone help please


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Re: CHCCN302 - Poster to "Help Children, Help Themselves"

Post by Benny » Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:07 pm

Hi wondering if any posters that they would share to give me an idea?

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