CHCCHILD401A Identify and respond to children and young people at risk

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CHCCHILD401A Identify and respond to children and young people at risk

Post by Harmony » Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:30 pm

Hi everyone, I'm struggling on these 2 questions on my assignment.

7. The child protection field is constantly eveolving nd child protection legislation and regulations are also constantly being reviewed and changed. How will you maintain your current child protection knowledge and skills and stay up to date with any changes?
I wrote: We could maintain the current child protection knowledge and skills and keep up to date by checking the child protection websites frequently (once a month) and subscribe to there so that when these are updated we recieve a newsletter or an email to let us know.

8. What strategies would you, and your organisation employ to manage stessful child protection situations that you may encounter?
I wrote: You should remain confident that you are doing the right thing, respect your limits, take short breaks, procure support of the Director and ask him or her for advice if needed. The org can help manage stressful child protection situations by ensuring that caseloads are balanced, providing readily available organisation numbers and websites that can help staff decide about child abuse such as CWU, teaching staff relxation techniques such as breathing, giving staff support and reassuring them that they are doing the right thing, encouraging staff to talk about how they feel and by giving staff time for self care.

For both of these I was asked to provide more strategies.
Any ideas?

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Re: CHCCHILD401A Identify and respond to children and young people at risk

Post by Lorina » Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:41 pm

Hi Harmony,

I have had a look at your response and I think you just need to add more information to your answer. I am providing a link to you for the Department of Community Services for child protection issues. Just have a browse through and hopefully it will give you an idea on some more information you can use.

Here is the link: ... bsite.html

Hope This Helps!

Cheers :geek:,

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