CHC30708 - Ethical Obligations, legal instructions & statutory requirements - HELP!!!

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CHC30708 - Ethical Obligations, legal instructions & statutory requirements - HELP!!!

Post by kimakehurst » Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:40 am

OK so I am really stuck on my second assignment on the first 3 questions. It has completely baffled me and the more i read the more confusing it is getting, all im seeing is blah blah blah! I have wrote my answers down that I have so far, I want to know if I am on the right track or way off?

Q1. What are your statutory and policy requirements for identifying, observing and reporting young people at risk of harm?
* Notify the team leader or director immediately
* Record and be able to report if necessary any unusual behaviour or marked changes in the childs behaviour
* Record and be able to report if necessary any evidence of injury or neglect
* Follow legislative requirements
* Hand over the information compiled to the relelvant authorities

Q2. What ethical obligations do you have as stated in the NCAC's QIAS principles, service/centre policy and procedures, service agreements, Early Childhood Australia code of ethics, Child Care Regulations 2003?
* Relationships with children
* Respect for children
* Partnerships with families
* Staff Interactions
* Planning and evaluation
* Learning and development
* Protective Care
* Health
* Safety
* Managing to support quality.

(Im so confused by this question)

Q3. What legal instructions do child care workers need to be aware of in their work environment?
Legal instructions child care workers need to be aware of in their work environment is to follow policies and legislation at all times as well as mandatory reporting. Mandatory reporters are protected under state/territory legislation.


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Re: CHC30708 - Ethical Obligations, legal instructions & statutory requirements - HELP!!!

Post by Lorina » Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:25 pm

Just had a quick read of your responses and it sounds like you're on the right track!

I'm providing you with a link to QLD Child Protection Services which has information of your legal obligations when making a report and how the national framework protects children.

Link: ... s-children

You should able to verify your information from here,


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