Cert III, Interaction and care cluster AT4 (Guidelines to student)

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Cert III, Interaction and care cluster AT4 (Guidelines to student)

Post by Jeremy2021 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:04 am

Hi, I am new here I am doing Cert III, as English is my second language. sometimes I see a big difficulty with my assessments I also tried to give up, then I found this website I hope this website could help me and don't let me to give up, Please if anyone could help me with this question it will be much appreciated.
thank you:)

Implement a language experience with three (3) infants/toddlers within the 0-2 year age group and complete the following:
1. Create a stimulating environment where you will initiate and model language
2. Communicate with respect and care
3. Provide digital evidence (audio, video, photographic) - this must be included.

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Re: Cert III, Interaction and care cluster AT4 (Guidelines to student)

Post by Lorina » Sat Aug 14, 2021 3:51 pm

No, do not give up! I'm here to support you through and help your understanding!

Ok for this you need to complete during work placement it seems, since you have to provide evidence.

The best way to model language is through song or rhyme. So pick a simple song such as old McDonald had a farm. Use finger puppets etc during the song to develop children's understanding etc.


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Re: Cert III, Interaction and care cluster AT4 (Guidelines to student)

Post by Jeremy2021 » Sat Aug 14, 2021 8:57 pm

Thank you so much, Lorina for your great support and encouragement I really appreciate it.

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