Cert 3 first assig. - How to Answer Assignment Questions?

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Cert 3 first assig. - How to Answer Assignment Questions?

Post by LYN CASE » Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:10 pm

i am wondering how much detail i need to go into when answering all the assignment questions, have not seen any examples of what is acceptable. Finding it hard to keep motivated .. already. Wondering if i should really be doing this externally... I would really love to hear something positive... :? At the moment i am getting a bit bogged down with the bullying section...

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Re: Cert 3 first assig. - How to Answer Assignment Questions?

Post by Lorina » Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:07 pm


Your first assignment… I know that when you read through trough the questions and try to understand the information that it sometimes can be hard to understand and therefore making it impossible to complete…however…just think about it when you are finished you will receive your cert 3 which will open up more job opportunities for you, more pay and also if you want to work in the early childhood industry you need at least a cert 3 so all in all…you need to complete it…

Normally when providing answers to the questions, 3-4 sentences should be enough when writing answers but this also depends on the question. Sometimes you may have to write more than a few sentences to explain your answer and sometimes the question will specify how many words you will need to include.

I know it seems like a huge workload ahead but it’s all worth it in the end… don’t give up… Even I found it a struggle doing my cert 3 and diploma course… however I’m happy I did it and so will you (even though at the moment it may seem like a complete burden).

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Cheers :geek: ,

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Re: Cert 3 first assig. - How to Answer Assignment Questions?

Post by catchmeifucan » Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:06 am

Hey Lyn, Just to clarify…. are you doing your cert 3 through correspondence or TAFE?

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Re: Cert 3 first assig. - How to Answer Assignment Questions?

Post by LYN CASE » Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:18 pm

i am doing it through tafe ..externally

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