Case study

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Case study

Post by Rhiannon09 » Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:12 pm

Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: Chccs400c
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
One night you are working a late night shift and parents are collecting there children. You are observing how other staff have developed relationships with families and you are introducing yourself to families you have not met before. During your observations some things happen that allow you to learn more about the service, the educators, the families and your attitudes and values.

What happened.
-each parent is reminded that an excursion is taking place tomorrow and any parents who have not signed the excursion are asked to do so.
-I agree with this because?
-I disagrees with this because?

-a parent is upset that their child got hurt today, an educator tells the parent which child threw the block at their child causing the bruise and says " it is usually that child"
-I agree because?
-I disagree with this because?

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
First one-
- I agree with this because every child should experience what an excursion is like with there class and teacher
An excursion. Can be educational
- I dissagree with this because?
Unsure of an answer on what to say

Second one-
- I agree with this because ?
- I dissagree with this because?

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Re: Case study

Post by Lorina » Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:22 am

Yes you're on the right track with your response... Maybe you can add something like this:

Scenario 1:

I agree because it's a helpful reminder for those parents who have forgotten about the excursion and it enables all children to participate in the excursion.

I disagree because not all parents may want their child to take part especially those who do not come on this specific day the excursion is taking place as they may have other commitments.

Scenario 2:

I agree because the parent should know why their child got hurt.

I disagree because an educator should never mention which child it was and should never make judgemental comments to parents about any children in care.

Hope this helps,


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