Assignment Tips - Where To Begin Guide For Students

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Assignment Tips - Where To Begin Guide For Students

Post by Lorina » Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:23 pm

For All Students:

Stuck on a question? Don’t know where to begin? Don't worry… We have created a guide on what you can do to get through those tough assignments!

  1. Read the question in context to the assignment.
  2. Ask yourself what does it mean? Re-read the question if you don't understand it the first time.
  3. What am I being taught? Look through materials and information provided in class or with this assignment.
  4. Break it down if it is a multipoint question. Use highlighters to highlight main points of the question.
  5. Once you have figured out the question you can begin RESEARCHING. Sometimes the question you are asking has already been resolved in one of the forum topics. Use the search feature on this site (located on the top right hand corner). Type in the module number or part of the question and click on search. This will bring up previous topics already posted on your assignment question/module. From here, you can select the topic you want.
  6. Look at the required textbooks/suggested reading/policies/regulation and start from here. There are some common websites available where you can find information about Regulations, Standards, Accreditation. OHS, Child Protection etc. Check them out below:
    1. ACECQA: Australian Children's Educational and Care Quality Authority -
    2. DEEWR: Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations -
    3. OHS: Occupational Health & Safety -
    4. DOCS: Department of Community Services -
    5. DHS: Department of Human Services -
  7. Using Google to search for information on your question will also help you. When searching you can type in key words from your question. For e.g. if you had a question relating to a policy in childcare, using google you could search "policies procedures child care".

    When using a website to research information, make sure the site you use is credible - "C.A.R.S." Credibility, Accuracy, Reliability, Success.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure you reference back to all materials you use in your assignment. You need to include the websites in your answer if you got any information for your question from there.
  8. If you still cant figure out where to begin, don't panic. Put it away for a while and come back to it with a fresh mind.

Recommended Reading:
1) How to reference correctly
2) Assignment Tips & Study Strategies

We hope that these simple steps will support you in completing your assignments and help you gain a qualification in this industry.

Happy Studying!
