Apply the learning framework

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Joined: Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:18 pm

Apply the learning framework

Post by MarieFLiang » Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:19 pm

Hi there,

I would need a bit of guidance with this one.

Here is the question:

Investigate and document how the approved national learning framework is applied at the service to support children’s learning.
More specifically, you must:
• investigate and document at least two examples of how the framework is demonstrated in the service
• investigate and document at least one example of how each principle of the learning framework is reflected in the service.
Make sure that you clearly show the ways the service goes about applying the framework, and include the examples of practice identified through your investigation.

Here is my answer so far:

The EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework) provides early childhood professionals with guidance on how to deliver high quality educational and care programs to your child.
Jack and Jill has embraced its concepts and principles. The three basic concepts of the EYLF are ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming’ and integral of our values and philosophy.
- By providing a flexible environment, Jack and Jill can focus on the children’s interests and adapt the settings to the children’s needs, giving them a sense of belonging.
At Jack and Jill, we also recognise the importance of families and community connection.
We encourage families to share with us any cultural or religious traditions and events they celebrate.
The community is also integrant part of a child’s life. Our involvement in the community is not limited to inviting local persona, such as policemen, dentist or local school speakers. We organise regular fundraising throughout the year for local charities, such as trivia nights or fun day fete. Not only it allows us to give back to the community, it also encourage families to meet each other.
- While at the centre, we want your child to be able to experience ‘being’ a child. All our rooms have been designed to provide age appropriate, meaningful and enjoyable experiences.
Jack and Jill educators will also design programs that are relevant to your child and his level of development.
- The early years of childhood are predominant in shaping the adult we become. Through our nurturing environment and personalised curriculum, we allow children to grow and express themselves as an individual and part of a group. They learn to view, respect and understand diversity in the society.
This concepts define how a child reacts and grows in relation to his environment and gives a general direction for early education services, such as Jack and Jill kindergarten. To support those concepts, we have been provided with five principles.
- Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships – for a child to flourish in any environment needs to feel secure and respected. This is why at Jack and Jill, we allocate a primary carer to your child in accordance with his personality and affinity with our staff members. The primary carer will be able to guide and support your child in the service.
- Partnerships – At Jack and Jill, we acknowledge the importance of the family and the community in a child’s development. Our programs are tailored to meet each child individual needs. We also aim at facilitating access to specific services, such as speech or occupational therapist.
- High Expectations and equity – Regardless of your child’s abilities and skills, educators at Jack and Jill will ensure that your child is encouraged to successfully reach his full potential.
- Respect for diversity – As a multicultural country, we include a cultural component to our environment and our curriculum. Our educators design specific experiences and set the environment in a way that will enable children to learn and experience traditional cultural celebration such as Chinese New Year.
Recently, we had invited a local Aboriginal liaison agent to help us implement an understanding of Aboriginal culture in our centre.
- Ongoing learning and reflective practices – We aim at implementing up-to-date educational research and pedagogy to ensure that we provide the best age appropriate and educational opportunities. We encourage and support our staff to undertake ongoing professional improvement and acquiring new skills.

Am I on the right track??

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