Access the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Choose two (2) of the rights and briefly explain why th

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Access the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Choose two (2) of the rights and briefly explain why th

Post by rebecca_chat » Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:21 am

-article 29
Education should develop each child’s personality and talents to the full. It should encourage children to respect their parents, their cultures and other cultures.
As a educator, we need to know the children’ s families and know the values, expectations, and factors that shape their lives at home and in their communities. This background information helps us provide meaningful, relevant, and respectful learning experiences for each child and have a good communication with the family.For example:A Japanese boy recently migrated to SA with his family. On his first day in his new childcare center, his classmates noticed that he spoke English with an accent, and that his skin were yellow, black eyes and black hairs. At that time, the educator need to explained that he spoken English with a accent because he spoken Japanese and was still getting used to English. The educator also explain his skin yellow ,eyes and hairs black because his parents had yellow skin and black eyes and hairs. The educator need to encourage the boy to reflect on his own behaviour.

--article 24
Children have the right to good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food and a clean
environment so that they will stay healthy.Richer countries should help poorer countries
achieve this.

As a educator, we need to to provide quality environments that engage children actively in their learning and ensure the children’ s wellbeing, health and safety. We also use our knowledge and skills to help children to developing.

please check my answers.thanks

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