4yr Degree for Directors

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4yr Degree for Directors

Post by fchaudari76 » Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:25 pm

I was talking to my TAFE contact and she said that they may be bringing in a change where Directors of Childcare Centres will be required to have a 4 year Degree
Has anyone heard of this or know anything about this
Wondering if it would be a thing where you can be in that position as long as you are studying towards the degree... I mean what happens to the heaps of Directors who don't have degrees?? They can't just be asked to leave :?: :?: :?:

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Re: 4yr Degree for Directors

Post by Lorina » Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:37 pm

Hi Fefe,

As far as Directors having an ECT I think this change is because of the New National Quality Framework which will commence across all early childhood services in Australia. It states that all LDC & Preschools with less than 25 children should have access to access to an ECT, all LDC & Preschools between 25 and 59 children should have an ECT in attendance and all LDC & Preschools with over 60 children should have 2 ECT's. However these changes will start taking place in January 2014. I think that's maybe why your TAFE teacher said that Directors will need to have an ECT (although in the National Quality Framework from what I can see it doesn't mention that Directors will be required to have an ECT). I think that maybe once these changes start coming into effect childcare centers may prefer to employ an ECT as a director rather than having a Diploma trained... I'm not sure... It will be interesting to find out though!

If you want to read more on the New National Quality Framework check out the following link:

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Cheers :geek:,

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Re: 4yr Degree for Directors

Post by fchaudari76 » Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:47 pm

thanks for that info
sorry to sound so ignorant but ECT .. early childhood teacher???

think i will do my Adv. Dip and then enrol in uni to do my degree... with credits from TAFE study by 2014 I should be close to having my degree ( i hope!!! )


Re: 4yr Degree for Directors

Post by Vinka » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:49 am

This is an great idea. Some Directors are very ignorant about how check programs. They have no idea about pedagogical methods used in preschool room. They criticize our jobs as an Early Childhood Teacher without knowledge. It follows that children in primary school do not know nothing about literacy and numeracy. It sounds offensive, but this is the reality. Some Directors want to stay in the past. They do not accept that they need to open their minds to the new education in Child cares.

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Re: 4yr Degree for Directors

Post by AussieJax » Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:23 pm

I agree with Vinka. I have had so much hassle at work purely because untrained (not bachelor qualified) Directors and Educational leaders simply do not understand the EYLF. I think it would help more if they actually even took the time to sit down and read the curriculum documents as well!

Thankfully we have a new Educational Leader who (whilst not a degree holder) has taken the time to really digest the EYLF and that has greatly improved my morale as we have great conversations about the learning taking place and the direction of it all.

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