Assignment 1 - Personal Identity Audit - Finally done!

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Assignment 1 - Personal Identity Audit - Finally done!

Post by fchaudari76 » Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:06 pm

Wow doing an assignment for uni and its doing my head in for a few reasons
1. I am having to go back and think about things from my childhood that I really have put to the back of my mind and didnt think I would have to deal with again
2. My brain is in holiday mode and doesnt want to get out of it
3. There is just so much info out there I have no idea what to put in or leave out

Anyway am attaching my assignment so you know what I am dealing with here & attaching my answer so far.
Just seems so crap and I havent even got to the analysis part.
Feeling like I cannot do this ... have read some other students stuff on the forums and they seem so together knowing exactly what to right and it all reads so intelligently (sp??? agh cant even spell right now!)LOL
mine feels like an 8 year old wrote it
Aptly named it Ass1 as thats what I feel like right now #1 Ass

Least i'm still funny.... :wtf: or am i??? :shock:
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Re: Doing my head in

Post by fchaudari76 » Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:50 pm

attaching an updated version of my assignment where I have written all the memory sections for race, gender & class
still struggling on the analysis and theorists that would be relevant to my memories
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Re: Doing my head in

Post by LindyT » Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:41 am

As I am only Cert III trained I'm not sure if this is helpful to you.
I may have an over simplified look at your assignment but Vygotsky and Erickson came to mind. ... rikson.htm

Erik Erickson

Although he was influenced by Freud, he believed that the ego exists from birth and that behavior is not totally defensive. Based in part on his study of Sioux Indians on a reservation, Erikson became aware of the massive influence of culture on behavior and placed more emphasis on the external world, such as depression and wars. He felt the course of development is determined by the interaction of the body (genetic biological programming), mind (psychological), and cultural (ethos) influences.

Erikson's basic philosophy might be said to rest on two major themes: (1) the world gets bigger as we go along and (2) failure is cumulative. While the first point is fairly obvious, we might take exception to the last. True, in many cases an individual who has to deal with horrendous circumstances as a child may be unable to negotiate later stages as easily as someone who didn't have as many challenges early on. For example, we know that orphans who weren't held or stroked as infants have an extremely hard time connecting with others when they become adults and have even died from lack of human contact.
However, there's always the chance that somewhere along the way the strength of the human spirit can be ignited and deficits overcome.
This was transcribed directly from a TAFE handout I have unfortunately it was not referenced.

Lev Vygotski

Effects of Culture: - Tools of intellectual adaptation
Like Piaget, Vygotsky claimed that infants are born with the basic materials/abilities for intellectual development - Piaget focuses on motor reflexes and sensory abilities.
Vygotsky refers to Elementary Mental Functions –
• Attention
• Sensation
• Perception
• Memory
Eventually, through interaction within the socio-cultural environment, these are developed into more sophisticated and effective mental processes/strategies which he refers to as Higher Mental Functions.
For example, memory in young children this is limited by biological factors. However, culture determines the type of memory strategy we develop. E.g., in our culture we learn note-taking to aid memory, but in pre-literate societies other strategies must be developed, such as tying knots in string to remember, or carrying pebbles, or repetition of the names of ancestors until large numbers can be repeated.
Vygotsky refers to tools of intellectual adaptation - these allow children to use the basic mental functions more effectively/adaptively, and these are culturally determined (e.g. memory mnemonics, mind maps).
Vygotsky therefore sees cognitive functions, even those carried out alone, as affected by the beliefs, values and tools of intellectual adaptation of the culture in which a person develops and therefore socio-culturally determined. The tools of intellectual adaptation therefore vary from culture to culture - as in the memory example.
And the article continues on...... ... theory.htm

According to Vygotsky, "Every function in the child's cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level; first, between people (interpsychological) and then inside the child (intrapsychological). This applies equally to voluntary attention, to logical memory, and to the formation of concepts. All the higher functions originate as actual relationships between individuals."

Hope this helps

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Re: Doing my head in

Post by fchaudari76 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:48 am

Lindy u r up early!
Erik Erickson was a theorist I was looking at using

Issue is as its a uni paper I need to find articles & papers that support what I have written! The referencing alone is 5 marks!

When you read about the theories everything makes sense, it just gets harder when you are trying to apply it to a certain situation.

Also presentation is 5 marks - they encourage a journal or diary format for this assignment & attaching pics etc

AGGHHH not only does one have to worry about writing and referencing we have to worry about how to pretty it up too

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Re: Doing my head in

Post by fchaudari76 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:34 pm

trying to upload my most recent assignment but its not attaching
file too large?

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Re: Doing my head in

Post by Lorina » Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:07 pm

How big is the file?

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Re: Doing my head in

Post by fchaudari76 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:09 pm

16.6 MB LOL
my guess is WAY too big

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Re: Doing my head in

Post by Lorina » Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:27 pm

Hi Fefe,

Very Interesting to read your response thus far… We all go through many various experiences in our lives... I agree with Lindy and using Erickson as one of the theorists I think does fit in well with what you have written.

To support your answer using Erickson’s theory you could have a look at of Erickson’s 8 psychosocial stages particularly stage 4 "Industry V Inferiority” and stage 5 “ Identity Role V Confusion”.
Industry V Inferiority:

Industry here refers to purposeful or meaningful activity. It's the development of competence and skills, and a confidence to use a 'method', and is a crucial aspect of school years’ experience. Erikson described this stage as a sort of 'entrance to life'. This correlates with Freud's psychosexual Latency stage, when sexual motives and concerns are largely repressed while the young person concentrates on work and skills development. A child who experiences the satisfaction of achievement - of anything positive - will move towards successful negotiation of this crisis stage.

A child who experiences failure at school tasks and work, or worse still who is denied the opportunity to discover and develop their own capabilities and strengths and unique potential, quite naturally is prone to feeling inferior and useless. Engaging with others and using tools or technology are also important aspects of this stage. It is like a rehearsal for being productive and being valued at work in later life. Inferiority is feeling useless; unable to contribute, unable to cooperate or work in a team to create something, with the low self-esteem that accompanies such feelings.

Erikson knew this over fifty years ago. How is it that the people in charge of children's education still fail to realise this? Develop the child from within. Help them to find and excel at what they are naturally good at, and then they will achieve the sense of purpose and industry on which everything else can then be built.

Identity V Role Confusion:

Identity means essentially how a person sees themselves in relation to their world. It's a sense of self or individuality in the context of life and what lies ahead. Role Confusion is the negative perspective - an absence of identity - meaning that the person cannot see clearly or at all who they are and how they can relate positively with their environment. This stage coincides with puberty or adolescence, and the reawakening of the sexual urge whose dormancy typically characterises the previous stage.

Young people struggle to belong and to be accepted and affirmed, and yet also to become individuals. In itself this is a big dilemma, aside from all the other distractions and confusions experienced at this life stage.

Erikson later replaced the term 'Role Confusion' with 'Identity Diffusion'. In essence they mean the same.

Referenced from: ... theory.htm

The information from here goes into more detail about the similarities between Erick’s Eight Stages and Freuds Psychosexual stages. It also goes on to explain how both theories support one another. Interesting read….

Not sure if it will help in anyway,

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Doing my head in

Post by Lorina » Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:30 pm

fefe76 wrote:16.6 MB LOL
my guess is WAY too big

Try now... I've increased the size limit.

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Re: Doing my head in

Post by fchaudari76 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:58 pm

nope it wont let me attach it

I think i am over complicating the analysis in my own head, have read what some other people have written and its not much... it has to only be about 300 words so hopefully i will be ok.

we have to use a min 2 theorists to support what we have written & i think once its all done properly it will look pretty good

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Feedback Please

Post by fchaudari76 » Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:58 am

Following on from my previous topic - same assignment
Since I cannot seem to upload my assignment I am copy pasting one section
Its the one about Race - so a memory from childhood & then the analysis of it
Please give me some feedback, negative or positive as I have no idea if what I have written makes any sense whatever!!

Monday, 5 August 1985
Today I went to school for the first time since we moved to Pakistan. It is a very old school, a very prestigious school. I was excited to meet kids my age and make some friends.
Hate the uniform though, such a dull colour; wish mum wouldn’t have insisted buying my skirt so I could grow into it. Felt silly!
Anyway so much for my first day, it was horrid. Everyone made fun of me. It was a day of answering stupid questions. Questions? Actually more like an interrogation.
I thought we moved here so I could grow up in my own country with my own people? Yeah right!
“Why do you speak funny?”
“Yeah, like with an accent?”
“I have just moved here from England”
“Oooo say tooth”
“Oh so posh toooooooth” (said with an exaggerated British accent)!!
“So where are your parents from?”
“They Pakistani?”
“Both of them”
“Err yes”
“You sure?”
“Of course”
“Why do you have green eyes then?”
“I have no idea, I just do”
“You don’t look Pakistani”

I remember shrugging; I had no idea what to say.
“You sure one of your parents is not a foreigner?”
Did these people seriously ask me that???? Wow yes one is I just never realised in 10 years!!!! Aggghhh how stupid are these kids?
“What passport do you have?”
“Gori hai na”
“So you’re a gori” Statement, not a question!
(NB: Gori – In Urdu it means “white person” western, not just someone who is fair skinned)
They all laughed and walked off.
I stood there. I wanted to cry.
Why am I here?
Why did my mum and dad want to move here?
Oh yeah so I could grow up with my “own” people. My “own” people think I am from somewhere else.
So I am not British and I am not Pakistani. I am from nowhere.
I hate it here, I want to go back to England, no one made fun of me there.

I thought I should have automatically been accepted as I was one of them not the “other”, it did not occur to me that people from my own ethnicity and race would not identify with me.
Erikson coined the term “identity crisis” and though this was something faced in the adolescent period from my personal experience and the environment I was in made me face this earlier in life.
Erikson described identity as “a subjective sense as well as an observable quality of personal sameness and continuity, paired with some belief in the sameness and continuity of some shared world image.” (Erikson, 1970)
I had no sameness, though accepted in England, I was not of an Anglo-Saxon background, so I was always Asian, but in Pakistan where I shared the background my upbringing differentiated me and I was a “Brit”
Canadian developmental psychologist James Marcia (1966) refined and extended Erikson’s model of psychosocial development and came to the conclusion that the balance between identity and confusion lies in making a commitment to an identity.
A study was done at Brown University on more than 400 children of first generation immigrants with results demonstrating that second-generation children in three very different ethnic groups showed a robust awareness of their ethnic heritage and identified with being both part of their parents’ culture of origin, as well as being American.
“This research indicates these children are actively constructing this part of their identities, learning, and choosing from the environments they are part of,” (Cole, 2007)
Looking back now I can see that I was forming my identity, as were my peers, I did not conform to their ‘norm’, thus was not immediately accepted.
Bernal, Knight, Garza, Ocampo, and Cota (1990) used a cognitive developmental framework to examine the steps in the process of the acquisition of ethnic identity in pre- school and elementary school-age children. As their cognitive abilities develop, children are able to move from the correct acquisition of ethnic labels to ethnic constancy.
At that time it was not common, as it is now, to come across children of mixed marriages or like in my case have someone move back after residing abroad for a length of time, so it was a novel situation for all involved. In some ways I still struggle with my racial/ethnic identity and I feel a lot of it stems from being less accepted by persons of my own ethnic background than people from other races and backgrounds.

Erikson, E.H. (1970). Reflections on the dissent of contemporary youth., International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 51, 11-22.
Marcia, J. E., (1966), Development and validation of ego identity status, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 3, pp. 551-558.
Brown University (2007, September 24). Children Of Immigrants Form Ethnic Identity At Early Age. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 1, 2012, from¬ /releases/2007/09/070924104616.htm
Bernal, M. E., Knight, G. P., Garza, C. A., Ocampo, K. A., & Cota, M. K. (1990). The development of ethnic identity in Mexican-American chil- dren. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 12, 3–24.
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Re: Feedback Please

Post by Lorina » Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:35 pm

Hey Fefe,

You have been working hard haven't you (I guess it's all part of the Uni thing)...LOL...

I had a read through your answer and from what I think you did great! You referred back to a childhood memory, you connected it well through your analysis and it all makes sense! I'm not a uni prefessor but I think your answer is well thoughtout and has all the requirements.

Since I cannot seem to upload my assignment I am copy pasting one section

We are working on getting the attachment limit increased. Will let you know once it's done.

BTW- Happy New Year!

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Feedback Please

Post by fchaudari76 » Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:02 pm

Happy New Year LA

Great to get your feedback, it means a lot to me.
Its hard going back to Uni and having not much confidence and having to do it distance so you cannot really talk to others and see how they are really doing etc.

Anyway i am forging ahead with the other 2 sections - class & gender
its so hard trying to find articles/journals for references

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Re: Feedback Please

Post by Lorina » Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:12 pm

Hi Fefe,

No Worries...

Just a quick one, we managed to change the attachment limit size (up to 20MB). So, you should now be able to upload the attachment. Try again and let me know if it still doesn't work.

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Feedback Please

Post by fchaudari76 » Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:33 pm

Cheers LA

Ok so its attached, its still not complete! been slack today....wanted you all more to see the presentation of it & see if the pics fit the memories etc.

Pls remember it was preferable to write it in a journal/diary style and my tutor said the aesthetics of the assignment was up to us as long as the final copy could be read easily and be in a format accessable to all.

Look fwd to hearing comments.
Just been feeling very unconfident (is that even a word?? :wtf: !!)
Hubby read just my analysis and he said he seemed pretty good.

NB THERE IS SOME GRAPHIC CONTENT (PICS) ... IT IS LABELLED ... you can skip it but I do urge you to look at the pics as it is very moving.

Thanks everyone :)
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Finally done!

Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:19 pm

finally done
Attached is the FINAL :clap: draft of the assignment
Feedback is appreciated

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Re: Assignment 1 - Personal Identity Audit - Finally done!

Post by Lorina » Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:12 pm

Hi Fefe,

When I first opened up your attachment I was expecting it to be in a plain doc but then it opened up into a really nice presentation. I really like the garfield you used (cute choice) and I like the way everything is structured. I especially like the photos!! It was really great that you shared this because by reading it I somehow feel a little closer to you... I mean I kinda get a sense of where you are from, how your childhood was...It was just really nice to read. Oh and you look beautiful in your wedding photos! Overall you should be proud of yourself and I really hope you do well for this assignment!!

Thanks so much for sharing a piece of you with us!!

Also, just a heads up I merged your topics.

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Assignment 1 - Personal Identity Audit - Finally done!

Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:36 pm

Thanks LA, should have just put everything in one continuous post.

Glad you like the assignment and how I've laid it all out, the idea was a diary format & yes to get an idea of what it was like for me at that time.

It was a very interesting assignment, I think I have learnt a lot about myself from analysing those few memories!

For my first uni paper for this degree i think i did ok :) even if i say so myself haha

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Re: Assignment 1 - Personal Identity Audit - Finally done!

Post by catchmeifucan » Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:23 pm

Awesome read... very nicely written, referenced and tagged. Love the presentation and what a great start for your first assignment. Hopefully you got your confidence back after this assignment! :giggle:

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Re: Assignment 1 - Personal Identity Audit - Finally done!

Post by fchaudari76 » Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:27 pm

Hope so! depends on what mark I get for it lol
I think it is ok but who knows what the markers look for

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