The Inquiry-Based Learning Questions Posters are a great way to get children thinking on their own terms and without any barriers. These types of questions allow the adults in a child's life to gather information in order to better guide the child. These can be used as a display to remind Educators of inquiry-based learning questions to ask children.
The How To Start A Project Posters are to be used by Educators to show the steps involved in starting a project with children. This will help guide Educators in how to start and implement a project with children.
The Colour Poems are a great way for children to learn about different colours. These poems are easy to learn for children. They are fun poems that can be displayed within the learning environment.
The Life Cycle Of A Frog Posters provides the stages a frog goes through from being an egg to being a frog using real images. A life cycle repeats itself, or goes in a circle, for each new generation of life. A frog goes through five stages of life. In each stage, it changes and grows. These are great to use as a display or a simple way to explain the life cycle of a frog to children.
The Life Cycle Of A Frog Information Posters provide the stages a frog goes through from being an egg to being a frog. A life cycle repeats itself, or goes in a circle, for each new generation of life. A frog goes through five stages of life. In each stage, it changes and grows. These are great to use as a display or a simple way to explain the life cycle of a frog to children.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Posters provides a poster of each of the individual characters within the story. These can be used during storytime with the children to retell the story and visualise the story.
The Types Of Lines Posters can be used as a display in the children's writing centre which enables them to see the many different types of lines. They can use this as a reference for drawing and to practice these lines which will assist them in their pre-writing skills.
The Educator To Child Ratio Posters includes the educator to child ratios in a centre-based service for each age group and in a mixed age group. Minimum educator-to-child ratios and purposeful for services to highlight the importance of the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children and for Educators to effectively supervise children within the environment. These posters will be good to display within the service for Educators and families to view.
The Types Of Play Posters provides a definition of the different ways children play. The colourful posters provide a brief description of each specific play type which will enable Educators and families to understand the many types of play children engage in.
The Colour Of The Week enables Educators to choose a colour that they would like to focus on for their group of children. Using the Colour Of The Week posters Educators can implement a variety of experiences that will assist children in learning colours. This can also be used during circle time.