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Benefits Of Singing To Children

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Benefits Of Singing To Children

Music in varied forms offers a plethora of benefits to children, whether they are listening to or making it themselves. The following article provides the benefits of singing to children. 

It Introduces Language

Singing is one of the most enjoyable ways of introducing language to children even before they can speak. When caregivers sing to babies and toddlers, the little ones listen to and start identifying not just sounds and specific sound patterns but also rhythms and rhymes. Eventually, they learn to identify these in words and expressions. Through singing then a child’s language comprehension begins.

It Builds Vocabulary 

As Educators sing to children, they help the young ones acquire new words and phrases along with their meanings. For example, if you sing about a stuffed teddy to a child, they learn to associate the name of that toy, the kind of animal it is, how it looks and pretend feels with the words you sing. Likewise, songs about parts of the body can get children to identify and name them, thereby expanding their vocabulary.

It fosters foundational literacy skills - Over time, as singing helps children acquire language and enlarge vocabulary, it puts in place skills that later support literacy activities like reading and writing.

It Soothes Children

Cultures all over the world have their own lullabies. These simple melodies help babies and young children sleep or calm down. Even older children with anxieties may find it soothing to listen to soft music.

It Promotes Communication

 Like reading, singing is an activity that requires listening. Thus by being sung to, children learn that sounds, gestures and vocalizations can be used to express one’s thoughts and feelings.

It Is One Form Of Play

Singing is a fun way to engage children in play. Caregivers and educators can make it active and interactional by singing together, turn-taking and accompanying the singing with lots of movements.

It Nurtures Social Interaction

When caregivers or educators sing what children like, it is rare for the young ones not to respond in some way. Thus singing helps children learn social skills like how to invite peers to play, and respond to overtures from others. Above all, a collective singing choir or small group generates a positive group identity, as well as a sense of social inclusion and belonging.

It Encourages Children To Sing

Singing to children encourages children to join as well. There is a huge body of research2 on how singing benefits children, ranging from improving respiratory, cardiac and brain function to enhanced language learning, social skills and emotional expressions.

Further Reading

The Importance Of Nursery Rhymes For Children - The following article provides information on the Importance Of Nursery Rhymes, the Key Benefits and Strategies To Implement Nursery Rhymes.

Benefits Of Music and Movement - The following article is suggested learning objectives that support a child's overall development in music and movement. 

10 Ways Babies Learn To Sing To Them, NAEYC
The Benefits Of Singing To Children, Institute Of Education, University Of London

Created On January 27, 2023 Last modified on Friday, January 27, 2023
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