School Colouring Pages can be used for preschoolers moving onto Kindergarten the following year. They can be used as part of a creative art experience to paint, colour or collage or they can be included in school dramatic play set up.
The following posters are developmental skills that supports a child's school readiness. The skills are separated in each of the appropriate developmental learning areas. You can use the skills as part of your program in determining suitable experiences for the preschool children. The list of developmental skills are a essential part of a child's short and long term success when starting school.
Here is the list of the EYLF Learning Outcomes that you can use as a guide or reference for your documentation and planning. The EYLF…Read More
Understanding EYLF +
The EYLF is a guide which consists of Principles, Practices and 5 main Learning Outcomes along with each of their sub outcomes, based on identity,…Read More
How To Write A Learning Story +
This is a guide on How to Write a Learning Story. It provides information on What Is A Learning Story, Writing A Learning Story, Sample…Read More
Observations in Childcare +
One of the most important types of documentation methods that educators needs to be familiar with are “observations”. Observations are crucial for all early childhood…Read More
How Educators Can Promote EYLF Learning Outcomes +
To support children achieve learning outcomes from the EYLF Framework, the following list gives educators examples of how to promote children's learning in each individual…Read More
Reflective Practices In Childcare +
Reflective practice is learning from everyday situations and issues and concerns that arise which form part of our daily routine while working in an early…Read More
EYLF Programming and Planning In Childcare +
Within Australia, Programming and Planning is reflected and supported by the Early Years Learning Framework. Educators within early childhood settings, use the EYLF to guide…Read More
How Children Can Achieve EYLF Learning Outcomes +
This is a guide for educators on what to observe under each sub learning outcome from the EYLF Framework, when a child is engaged in…Read More
Different Types Of Observation Methods +
When observing children, it's important that we use a range of different observation methods from running records, learning stories to photographs and work samples. Using…Read More
How To Write The EYLF Curriculum Plan +
The Early Years Learning Framework describes the curriculum as “all the interactions, experiences, activities, routines and events, planned and unplanned, that occur in an environment…Read More