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Animal Counting Action Songs help children learn and practice counting and develop fine and gross motor skills through actions. The following article provides lyrics to 20 Animal Counting Action Songs. 

This song is similar to the bear hunt song. It involves a lot of movements, repetition of words and action words thus making it interesting for the kids. You can also use your own imagination to add to it. 

Der Glumph Went The Little Green Frog uses Australian Sign Language to "sing" this rhyme. This rhyme includes lyrics, a picture song board, key signs and a video of how to use Auslan sign to sing Der Glumph Went The Little Green Frog.

Leo the lion is the king of the jungle and his jaws are big and wide.
Leo the lion when he roars it 's a warning that you'd better run away and hide.

So run, run as fast as you can, 'cos Leo is the leader of his clan.
He wears a proud mane of hair, look into his eyes if you dare!

Terrence the tiger proudly prowls through the jungle with his mighty powerful paws.
Terrence the tiger when he pounces, it's a warning that you 'd better run away and hide.

So run, run as fast as you can, 'cos Terrence always has a clever plan.
He wears a majestic set of stripes, look into his eyes if you dare.
So run, run as fast as you can!

Hints and Tips:

  • Use actions for each verse
  • Use puppets and felt boards for toddlers

Roar! Leo the Lion and Terrance the Tiger, Christmas Songs and Carols - Love to Sing, 18 April 2017

Stomp like elephants! 
Let's go to the zoo.
And stomp like the elephants do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And stomp like the elephants do.

[Stomp around the room like elephants]

Jump like kangaroos.
Let's go to the zoo.
And jump like the kangaroos do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And jump like the kangaroos do.

[Jump around the room like kangaroos]

Swing like monkeys.
Let's go to the zoo.
And swing like the monkeys do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And swing like the monkeys do.

[Swing around the room like monkeys]

Waddle like penguins.
Let's go to the zoo.
And waddle like the penguins do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And waddle like the penguins do.

[Waddle around the room like penguins]

Slither like snakes.
Let's go to the zoo.
And slither like the snakes do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And slither like the snakes do.

[Slither around the room like snakes]

Swim like polar bears.
Let's go to the zoo.
And swim like the polar bears do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And swim like the polar bears do.

[Swim around the room like polar bears]

Let's go to the zoo.
And dance like the animals do.
Let's go to the zoo.
And dance like the animals do.

Hints and Tips:

  • Use images/flashcards of each animal
  • Follow the animal actions for each verse.

Music & Lyrics: Copyright 2011 Super Simple Learning®
Video: Copyright 2014 Super Simple Learning®


I'm an elephant
Strong and elegant
Stomping through the jungle
Making the ground rumble.

I'm an elephant
Strong and elegant
Stomping through the jungle
Making the ground rumble.

In the forest, you can find me
Trunk in front and tail behind me
Footsteps echo just like thunder
Those around me they watch in wonder

I'm an elephant
Strong and elegant
Stomping through the jungle
Making the ground rumble.

Every time I jump
I really make a thump,
When I stomp my knees
Monkey falls from trees.

Every time I jump
I really make a thump,
When I stomp my knees
Monkey falls from trees.

In the forest, you can find me
Trunk in front and tail behind me
Footsteps echo just like thunder
Those around me they watch in wonder

I'm an elephant
Strong and elegant
Stomping through the jungle
Making the ground rumble.

I'm an elephant
Strong and elegant
Stomping through the jungle
Making the ground rumble.

Hints and Tips: 

  • Add actions to each verse. 

Rumble in the Jungle, Kidz Area, 8 February 2015

There was a little turtle
Who lived in a box.
He swam in the puddles
And climbed on the rocks.

He snapped at the mosquito,
He snapped at the flea.
He snapped at the minnow,
And he snapped at me.

He caught the mosquito,
He caught the flea.
He caught the minnow,
But he didn't catch me!

Hints & Tips

  • This simple transition song can be used when transitioning individual children to wash their hands, to go outside or while waiting while lining up.

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, 
Merry merry king of the bush is he. 
Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, 
Gay your life must be! 

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, 
Eating all the gum drops he can see. 
Stop Kookaburra, stop Kookaburra 
Save some there for me! 

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, 
Counting all the monkeys he can see. 
Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra 
That's not a monkey, that's me! 

Alternative Lyrics:

Kookaburra sits on the electric wire,
Jumping up and down, with his pants on fire.
Ouch, Kookaburra, ouch! Kookaburra,
Hot your tail must be!

Kookaburra sits on a rusty nail,
Gets a boo-boo in his tail.
Cry, Kookaburra, cry, Kookaburra,
Oh how life can be!

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree,
Eating all the gum drops he can see.
Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra
Gay your life must be!

Hints and Tips:

  • Search for the rhyming words in each verse.
  • Use it as part of an Australian animal theme.

Mary had a little lamb, 
whose fleece was white as snow. 
And everywhere that Mary went, 
the lamb was sure to go. 

It followed her to school one day 
which was against the rule. 
It made the children laugh and play, 
to see a lamb at school. 

And so the teacher turned it out, 
but still it lingered near, 
And waited patiently about, 
till Mary did appear. 

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"
the eager children cry.
"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know."
the teacher did reply.

Hints and Tips:

  • Poster for this nursery rhyme can be found in the Printables section on this site. See: Rhymes Posters

Two little dickie birds,
Sitting on a wall;

One named Peter,
One named Paul.

Fly away Peter!
Fly away Paul!

Come Back Peter!
Come Back Paul!

Alternative Lyrics:

There were two blackbirds
Sat upon a hill,

The one was nam'd Jack,
The other nam'd Gill;

Fly away Jack,
Fly away Gill,

Come again Jack,
Come again Gill

Hints and Tips:

  • Poster for this nursery rhyme can be found in the Printables section on this site. See: Rhymes Posters
  • The hand actions for this song are:

Line #1 Both of the exposed, marked, fingers are wiggled to attract attention 
Line #2 Wiggle one marked finger, Peter, to attract attention
Line #3 Wiggle other marked finger, Paul, to attract attention 
Line #4 The Peter hand is quickly drawn back alongside the adult’s head. As part of the movement the adult folds the marked finger and sticks out the second finger of the same hand and drops the hand back down to the original position. The child sees that the marking, Peter, is no longer there – it has flown away 
Line #5 The action is repeated with the other hand Line #6 The action is reversed to make Peter reappear Line #7 The action is reversed to make Paul reappear.

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