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In order to ensure effective contact tracing of any COVID - 19 cases, early childhood services are required to use the Victorian Government’s Service Victoria QR Codes for electronic record keeping.
The Fair Work Commission has announced a 2.5% increase to minimum wages including the Children's Services Award and Educational Services Teachers Award.
World Environment Day on 5th June is a national day for action to protect our environment and raise awareness on environmental issues.
Together with Yates, Life Education are encouraging young children to get gardening, growing edible plants and learning healthy eating habits by offering a $1,000 Growing Good Gardens Grants for early childhood services.
Monash University's Conceptual PlayLab has produced a new play-based model to teach STEM to young children.
National Simultaneous Storytime, held on Wednesday 19th May. It is an annual event that aims to engage children of all ages to enjoy books by creating a sense of excitement around reading.
Professional Development is a legislative requirement for all care professionals, with training in Child Protection and First Aid being mandatory.
Pirate Day is on Friday 14 May. It is an annual national day of dressing up like a pirate to raise awareness and much-needed funds for childhood brain cancer.
ASCIA Anaphylaxis Etraining is a free course for Educators in early childhood services. This training program provides ready access to accurate and consistent education about the recognition, emergency treatment and risk minimisation of anaphylaxis.
To celebrate Free Fruit For Kids program reaching over 100 million, Woolworths is offering up to 100 Early Learning Services across Sydney free fruit for a day.
Goodstart Early Learning, which required its staff to get a flu shot, sacked one of their Educators for refusing to get vaccinated.
For ECTs working in early childhood services, employed under Educational Services (Teachers) Award (EST Award), The Fair Work Commission has agreed that minimum pay rates should be increased.
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