Hard time finding "Work Placement" for my Cert III Course

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Hard time finding "Work Placement" for my Cert III Course

Post by Nela » Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:46 pm

Dear all,

Close to completing my Cert III course, and for the last 2 months - No luck, what so ever finding a "placement". Lot of places you are required to have a formal application ( Resume / Cover letter) for them to consider your application - It like you are applying for a job with the service, if it's hard to find placement, makes me wonder what it's going to be like once I finally complete my course. Have had a mainly around Sth-East of Melbourne (Cranbounre area) have also branched out to surrounding suburbs but to no luck :( but not to far due to travel restrictions.

Initially prior to starting the course, was told, the course provider will assist in obtaining the placement for the students as the centre is in a complex which has Child Care Centre within the premises only to be told now that its not ethical if I attend the placement at the centre within the complex. Not sure what they mean by that, they were all good prior to paying the course - now that you need assistance, not so helpful.

Any suggestions or if someone might know a place, much appreciated.

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Re: Hard time finding "Work Placement" for my Cert III Course

Post by Lorina » Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:46 am

Unfortunately this is not the first time on here, that a student has complained about not being able to find work placement. I think it's completely unfair that your course provider would not be assisting you to find suitable placement. Is there anything mentioned in your student handbook, paperwork given by your course provider on work placement? If there is, you can bring it to their attention and show it to them. I'm not too sure why students are unable to find placement, since you will basically be a free set of hands for the centre you'll be working with...

Have you tried going to the centre yourself (in person) to talk to the director?


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