3-4 year room leader/ECT

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3-4 year room leader/ECT

Post by Bensos » Sat Sep 26, 2020 10:34 am

Hi - Im just wondering what other room leader experiences are?

Im the room leader in the 3-4 year room at our centre, and so have the responsibility for planning/programming, activities - all the checklists etc that go along with running the room (ratios/health & safety etc etc). Its a job i love. We also have a 4 year kinder room with an ECT in place already.

We finally have our ECT for the three year group as per the regs for having 2 ECTs - so super stoked. But what have other room leaders found has happened to their role when the ECT transitions in? Were room leaders demoted? CM says she isnt really sure about what happens next.

The only people who get planning time at our centre are the room leaders. Im also inclusion ambassador so a good chunk of my planning time (about 2 hours per week) is actually on behaviour management plans, resources, adapting activities, using eABLES, NDIS etc etc.

Im also concerned in terms of longer term career - theres nowhere in the centre for me to move up to. I did apply for a more senior role but was given the impression that they dont think im good enough. I'd love to hear from other room leaders about what happened for them when that second ECT started.

Thanks :-)

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Re: 3-4 year room leader/ECT

Post by Asha9292 » Sat Sep 26, 2020 7:09 pm

Hey I’m currently running a 3-4 room we only have a ect in the kinder room 4-5 so no ect as yet at our centre till next year who we have someone studying that can be in the room. only room leaders get planning so if we get a ect I’ll only be a diploma assistant unfortunately no planning for me unless I run another room 😕 So in a way get demoted from room leader to assistant .
You say you do behaviour management plans I’m currently dealing with a child who is very aggressive hitting spitting yelling throwing things around the room can’t find a trigger to what sends him off. Our cm isn’t very helpful have you got any suggestions or strategies we could use?

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Re: 3-4 year room leader/ECT

Post by Bensos » Sun Sep 27, 2020 12:39 pm

Hi Asha,

I work in a G8 centre so we have a standard behaviour management process to follow. Start by recording ALL the incidences, make notes on if there are triggers, specific children who are there (or not there) that trigger the events. Also think about what things usually calm the child - do they have a snuggle toy, are they hungry? are they over stimulated etc?

Once you have a clear picture that you can take to your director as evidence then you could ask the family to meet - see if the behaviour happens in the home etc. If you are there for drop off or pick up try to have a quick chat at those times - just give an outline of the day and keep it simple ("Your child was spitting a lot today - do they do it at home?")

We have a few children in our room that need additional support so I organised calming and sensory resources that they can all access. We have a couple quiet tee pee tents - just a cushion (pinned open at the front so we can monitor then), liquid timers, Kinetic sand - lots of opportunity to take a break and have quiet time or on something independently. Has the child been assessed in any way? Is it possibly related to a diagnosis (Is the behaviour his way of managing too much noise/too bright/too crowded?)

We also use social stories about no hitting, no spitting etc. Its something we do as a group at circle time so everyone is guided to the same information - I always encourage the children to share their thoughts too. When we did the spitting book they talked about spreading germs, dribbling is what babies do etc etc - its easier to get the group to buy in if they agree on the learning. The whole group then models the behaviour and might feel more empowered to direct their classmate - it might help - it might not :-)

Sorry if this is a jumble of thoughts :-)

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Re: 3-4 year room leader/ECT

Post by kimimiler » Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:09 pm


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Re: 3-4 year room leader/ECT

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:04 am

I belive that the ECT and Diploma should share the responsility of the room leader position. The Diploma is trained and experienced in writing programs, observations etc and just because an ECT has stepped in it doesn't mean the Diploma should not continue to use their knoweldge. Why cant the ECT and Diploma share the job role?


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