How to deal with a frustrating director

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How to deal with a frustrating director

Post by AnnieM19 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:51 pm

Hi everyone, I've recently started my traineeship at a centre and so far am enjoying it greatly! I just have one problem; the director.

She seemed great at first but it became clear to me quite early on that the other workers really dislike her. Over time I've noticed how frustrating she can be. She'll come to our room and nitpick at things like "using spray and wipe like that will poison the children!" and "you can't put your drink bottles on the shelf counter because DOCS will come and shut us down!". It's crazy. She'll make me and another trainee clean the room that the ECT works in (because she doesn't do any cleaning) on our breaks and will stand there and police how we do everything because "DOCS will come!!!!" which is a crazy threat that she always uses about everything. Every time I see her she'll have something new to complain about, like how I must stand in front of this certain tree in the playground for two hours so the children won't try and climb it, or how I didn't fill up the drink bottles right (?????) and it's becoming increasingly upsetting. She does it to all of us who aren't the ECT or diploma girls and we dread when she comes in to the centre because she makes us so angry and nervous.

On top of all that, she's recently implemented a rule that we can't hold, pick up or have the children on our laps. Sometimes at drop off or if the kids get hurt theres no other option! They need a cuddle, or to be held! It's heartbreaking for me to see the children crying their hearts out when she's observing us and not being allowed to pick them up. The other day I was holding a 1 yr old who was upset and sick and giving him a cuddle and wiping his nose when she forced me to put him down. She won't even allow us to pick them up to change nappies or if they can't walk! How else are we supposed to move them around?

Also, she gets mad at us for not having enough things up in our rooms or enough books but refuses to buy us resources. I've only been there two months and have already bought endless amount of craft supplies, puzzles, toys, books and posters. There's also always a shortage of staff and we have to combine rooms and move to one which stuffs around our curriculum and programming and doesn't allow any of the children to settle into a routine.

I love my centre because I've already formed wonderful relationships with the staff and the children, who I adore. I'm only doing a traineeship and I don't want to leave but I just get so frustrated! Any advice for how I can stick this out?

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Re: How to deal with a frustrating director

Post by Lorina » Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:50 pm

What a nightmare!

Has the Director always been like this? She seems to be taking out her frustrations on you which is not at all acceptable or ethical. As you have already pointed out you are having problems dealing with it already.

Have you discussed these issues with any other Educator at your centre?

The only suggestion I can give you is that you need to stand up for yourself and speak to your Director. It doesn't matter who it is you shouldn't be treated like this. It's unfair and you don't deserve it. Either you talk to your Director or stick it out and deal with it... talk to your director...


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Re: How to deal with a frustrating director

Post by AnnieM19 » Sun Feb 11, 2018 4:26 pm

The other educators agree with me fully, they're all treated like this to some degree especially us trainees and cert III girls. She's very hard to negotiate anything with and I dear I'll lose my position as staff turn over is apparently very high because of her. The other educators are very sick of it, but for the more qualified girls they don't get it as bad. They also all have a much thicker skin than me, who tends to take things to heart.

I'm also not given any study time off the floor at all, neither are the other trainees. We also have to take our breaks in the rooms while the children rest. If it wasn't for the staff and the children, I'd be out of there! But it took me so long to find a centre to take me on so I don't want to throw it away

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Re: How to deal with a frustrating director

Post by Lorina » Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:20 pm

It may have taken you long to find a centre but look how unhappy you are. Yes, the children and staff are great that is a given but the fact is the Director that you need to deal with is not treating you or the others fairly...

How about you talk to the 2IC along with the other trainees about these issues and she can talk to the Director about this. You have to figure out what you need to do...

Everyone seems to have issues with the Director but no one is willing to address the issue...

It's OK you need to talk to the Director...


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Re: How to deal with a frustrating director

Post by AnnieM19 » Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:36 pm

Hi Lorina, I had my staff appraisal recently and although I got wonderful feedback, while standing outside the office afterwards I heard my director saying negative things about me to our supervisor. Since then I have gotten the blame for a child hurting themselves under mine and two dimploma qualified staffs care when i was changing nappies, and having a crying baby on my lap. I have a few questions as I’ve been confused about the regulations my director keeps yelling at me about.

Is it against regulations to pick up the children, hug the children or have them in your lap? I’ve been in a lot of trouble for this. Also, is it okay to sit down while supervising them? She wants me to walk and stand constinously during our 3 hour play in the afternoon so children aren’t hurt.

I’m feeling increasingly put down at the moment. I want to leave but I’ve only just got settled in. I’m trying to stick out the four months but it’s like nothing I do is right.

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Re: How to deal with a frustrating director

Post by Lorina » Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:17 pm

During your staff appraisal did your Director mention any of these issues to you?

Why would your Director give you excellent feedback than to go ahead and give you negative comments behind your back?

It is not against regulation to pick up a child or hug them especially for their sense of belonging and sense of agency. If a child is crying or upset how are you to calm them down if you are standing up over the top of them! It's ridiculous if you ask me!

In regards to sitting down while supervising, the problem is that you will not be able to keep a watchful eye on all children - there could be children out of your line of sight so if something happens or they need help while you're sitting down you may not be able to see it etc.

It's hard - I know how you feel but stick it out - don't take things personally - working with children is frustrating and stressful at times and Educators usually take it out on each other.

You'll be ok!

I'm here if you need to vent!


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