SAHM returning to the workforce

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SAHM returning to the workforce

Post by BelleT » Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:36 pm

Hi everyone :wave:

I'm so glad that i have found this forum were I will be able to communicate with people that are currently in the Early childhood industry. My question is I have been a stay at home mum to my daughter for the past 4 years and I am looking at gaining employment back in the childcare industry. I nearly completed a diploma in ECE back in 2004 with only a few subjects needing completion for me to gain my full Diploma, does anyone know how i can go about this? and do centres actually hire anyone that has not completed a diploma or would it be best if i completed my diploma first before attempting to gain employment? The reason i did not complete my diploma was that i moved overseas prior to finishing my Diploma back in 2004. While overseas I worked in an early childhood centre for roughly 6 years as a full time teacher, this is were i have pretty much gained my experience in the Early childhood industry.

Now that my daughter is 4 I am wanting to get myself ready to gain employment in the industry again as she is off to school in January next year. My question is does anyone know how I can explain the major gap in my resume? do i state i have been a SAHM in my cover letter? what are the chances of centres looking to hire SAHM returning to the workforce? Any help in regards to this would really be appreciated. I am currently located in Queensland.

Thanking you all in advance :)

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Re: SAHM returning to the workforce

Post by Lorina » Tue Jul 07, 2015 5:10 am


Welcome To Aussie Childcare Network! :wave:

Since you had last done your Diploma qualification in 2004, there is a new diploma qualification out now, so if you will probably need to apply to complete the new one. Since you had almost completed your previous Diploma you can probably get RPL (recognition of prior learning) for the units you completed back in 2004. However, you may need to do the newer ones that have been introduced. So, I think before starting to look into work you get your qualification sorted out. Find a course provider you want to study with and go from there... As for your resume, add your overseas experiences as a full time teacher. Also add your responsibilities and your tasks you had completed while working overseas.

Whether you're a stay at home mum or a student who just finished their Diploma, if you are likeable, got the knowledge, skills and experience you'll get the position!

If you got anymore questions let me know,


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